Our time in Texas with the Killer B's is going to be brief but if you're in Texas you have to do the cowboy thing so our first stop was a horse ranch. The pace was decidedly methodical but these weren't trail horses so you could easily wander off on your own and channel your inner Clint Eastwood. We were also fortunate to be skirting the second-largest canyon in the United States, the Palo Duro Canyon. It is roughly 70 mi (110 km) long and reaches a width of 20 mi (32 km) at places. The owner of the ranch was part Comanche so she filled us in on the tragic history of the canyon. The land had remained under American Indian control until a military expedition was sent in 1874 to remove the Indians to reservations in Oklahoma. The Mackenzie expedition captured about 1,200 of the Indians' horses and slaughtered them in nearby Tule Canyon. Without horses the Comanche and Kiowa conceded and left the area.
The horse ride was a must do but the primary mission during our short foray into The Lone Star State was to ensure that Dave B had a Texas birthday dinner that would stop just short of completely blocking his arteries (after years of fish and chip dinners we're not sure what we have to work with). For most of his 65 years this unabashed carnivore has been tearing his way through all kinds of meat challenges but everything in Texas is bigger and the feature item on the menu at The Big Texan Steak Ranch was a 72 oz steak (for the weight lifters in the crowd, that's 4.5 lbs or 2 kilograms of fatty meat) plus all of the extras that, if eaten within 60 minutes, was free of charge. There's a Meat Eater Hall of Fame near the entrance, and in one of those 'are you kidding me moments', at the very top of the list is a 126 lb woman who finished the meal in just over 4 minutes (she ate over 3.5% of her body weight in meat alone). Mark D, who views a large pizza as an appetizer, might be the only person I know who could make this illustrious Hall, but on the night we were there, two challengers were tearfully crying "no mas" well before the clock expired.
DH and I suspended our animal agriculture protest (watch Cowspiracy on Netflix if you get a chance) since the menu at The Big Texan Steak Ranch was effectively big steak, bigger steak, and biggest steak. The environmental damage that the burgeoning cattle industry is wreaking on the planet is both incredible and, despite being our top environmental problem, little understood. It would seem to be reasonable sacrifice to ask people to cut back but when we tried to recruit Dave to the cause, he couldn't hear us through the meat chewing sounds that Deb B was making (and to be fair we have persuaded exactly 0 people to join us in our no-red-meat crusade so far). We had started off the night by draining a bottle of something called Kentucky Fire that we had picked up earlier in our trip, so we made a number of bad/unhealthy dining decisions and, through the haze, thought that tequila shots for dessert was a really good idea. DH was there to successfully herd us all back to the hotel and, after a laugh-filled birthday party, we faced the morning after reminder of why we don't drink like twenty year olds anymore.
Hangovers in tow and suitably armed with spray paint cans, we made our way over to the last big Route 66 site that we were going to visit for some time- the iconic Cadillac Ranch. Carol C, who spends her free time spraying outlandish graffiti all over her neighbours garage doors in Australia, would love this place. You are actually encouraged to leave your very temporary mark on this 'art' installation- when originally installed in 1974 it was supposed to represent a number of evolutions of the Cadillac (particularly the tail fins) from 1949 to 1963, half-buried nose-first in the ground, at an angle corresponding to that of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The cars were briefly "restored" to their original colors by the Hampton Inn folks in a sponsored series of Route 66 landmark restoration projects. The new paint jobs and even the plaque commemorating the project lasted less than 24 hours without fresh graffiti (coincidently just after a tour bus of Aussie visitors from Melbourne passed by??). It's a great piece of participatory art but we were put off by the garbage left by previous morons- paint cans everywhere despite a bin right at the entrance way. Expect a fence around this landmark if that keeps up.
- comments
ella.font It looked like a great birthday celebration. Happy 65 DB!!! But I have to ask ....were my eyes playing a trick on me but did I actually see a picture of Vic holding hands with DH. Public affection - nice going Vic !!! Lol
may-vic We hope that you looked both ways!!
may-vic Very cool, man. I'd like to get there someday. Sounds like my type of town
may-vic More great pictures and memories along your trip along Route 66!!
debbiebutt As I said, you two look like you should star in Brokeback Mountain with those shirts. I do think you were holding hands. That was such a fun day, again arranged by our private tour on earth.
mss-2014 Nice hat though..... :D
mss-2014 Pretty good. But you remind me of the Donald Trump look, ugh!!
mss-2014 That's the one I would pick too!! No chance of getting thrown off!!
mss-2014 Is it cold there???? You look pretty bundled up!!
mss-2014 The horse actually looks like its about to burst out laughing!!!
mss-2014 Very cool!
mss-2014 Beautiful Horse! Looks happy too :))
mss-2014 The shirt actually looks like something from the Orient! Are you sure this picture is in the right Chapter of your trip?
mss-2014 Ya, he just looks wasted, doesn't matter what shirt HE wears!
mss-2014 Very cool... : ))
mss-2014 OMG! Noooooooo!!!!
mss-2014 Doesn't look like he's gonna make it. Now he will just have to pay for his heart attack! Poor b*****.
mss-2014 Y'all survived! Y'all come back now, ya hear!
mss-2014 That's a lot of Cows!!
mss-2014 ....of course
mss-2014 All the paint is probably what holds those cars together!!
Don & Jill Taylor (Brazil Cruise Shirt didn't fit after the big steak dinner?
mss-2014 It almost looks like a different Planet!