Hey family and friends,
Writing you from here in Mussoorie, about 30km up in the hills of Dehra Dun. It's really beautiful up here and we can see the entire city of Dehra Dun at night. I am back with the original gang [Zoey and Clint] and we're staying in this hospital. So far so good. The rooms are nice and the whole place is pretty high quality. There are a few grips though but I cannot complain too much other than my expectations were shot after the first hour of being here. The two things I am talking about are the tv and hot shower.
It was quite a surprise to actually have a flat panel tv in our own room. I was very impressed and was also very excited because the US versus China basketball game was on tonight. There was only one proble. Despite the very high quality tv in front of me it only serviced us a single channel, news, but not much olympic news [well other than the medal highlights; China's 6 gold already, come on America]. It's not the worse thing and the world and I can definitely get along without television [in fact the first time I watched tv since I got here was the last two days and it was late at night and we were watching CNN as I told you]. I was just disappointed because I wanted to watch this important game.
My other problem is the hot showers. I was shivvering from the cold showers I had to take at Mrs. Sehti's because the plumber would never come and fix the hot water heater. But I was pleasnatly suprised when I rooms came with hot water heaters for nice warm showers. Now I knew this before going in because on of the other other students told me, but the water only last for about 1 minute or so. Very sad. I think I'll try to turn the faucet on lower so I can save some water but when I was all ready and prepared to take a nice relaxing shower was upsettingly interupted by this little inconvenience. Oh well. You cannot have everything and the only thing to expect in India is that you cannot expect anything to work out all the time. No worries, I will survive and be able to give you the silver lining about Mussoorie but in the mean time just hang in there.
Love you all,
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