Bonjour mes Enfants!!! I'm so relieved you made it there in one piece. Now its travelling time!! Its cloudy and rainy here and you can actually hear the grass grow. Anyway we didn't stop at the mail so no mail... keep in touch tav! have fun!
Au revoir et un gros bec!!!!love Mom
P.s. i forwarded your arrival email to the family
So im sitting in french right now you know just gaining some knowledge of course and im doing a project on Italy and i can't help but wonder that perhaps you are entering Italy at this very moment!!!! I can't believe you are in Europe while i am sitting in Kenora which by the way is considerably cold today!! haha no im excited for you im not just trying to make you feel guilty...well perhaps a tad. I checked your website the day you left even though i knew there wouldn't be anything on there i was just excited!! So everything here is the same as always i got 100% on my poem!! even though thats pretty insignificant news seeing as you probably saw the eiffel tower or some thing equally fabulous like that just today. I miss you already and i hope this works since i gave up valuable learning time to send this to you!! I'm keeping your room maintained and pretty and i hope the flight and everything went smoothly and you are still alive and you know, not wounded...haha anyway please update your website with pictures and other touristy crap like that i can't wait to see everything!!! I loooooooove you and hope your having the time of your life!!!