Hi Everyone! Thanks for all your messages we really enjoy reading them. Had a wicked time doing the 3 day tour around the South West of Bolivia it was amazing. It was just us, an aussie couple and 2 girls from Switzerland in a jeep plus our guide and the best and coolest cook ever. On the first day we went to a massive salt plain, it just looked like snow for miles and miles around. We drove right across the middle of it, which was a bit scary at times when you could the holes in the salt. Dont know how to describe would need to be seen to be believed. That evening we stayed in a local village (how they cope in the middle of nowhere i will never know) in a place made entirely of salt even the beds, tables etc. It was definately different. We headed further into the SW the next day, to go the a nature reserve. There was a lot of driving invloved but it was worth it as the scenery was fantastic, it was just us surrounded by mountains and volcanoes of all different colours. Well we thought they were different colours until we saw the lagoons which were amazing colours, some bright red and others really green. And they all contained hundreds and hundreds of flamingoes, though how they could stand we dont know it was soooo windy and cold. Glad to get into the warmth of our hostel that night not that that was much better still had layers and hats on in there. Had our first experience of coca tea which is actually really nice (since had a few more cups), and helps with altitude sickness which was much needed as Louise was feeling not the best due to that. We thought travelling was supposed to be easy and relaxed but after a freezing nights sleep we had to get up at 4.00am yes you read that right 4.00am. We were not in the best mood and never been so cold in our lives. But it was worth it we went to some natural geysers caused by the nearby volcano. They were brill so loud and spitting up tons of lava etc bit dangerous though no barriers one slip and into 200 degrees of lava not nice. Our next stop before brekkie was to another natural formation was a hot spring. It was fantastic just what we needed once we could be persuaded to actually get undressed. It was so warm and steamy with fantastic views of the countryside, couldnt think of a better way to start a wednesday morning. Especially as was followed by a pan cake breakfast, Yum!! That was pretty much the end of the trip apart from stopping at the odd rock formation and other photo opportunity spots. It was definatley one the best things we have done so far. Had our first trip in a Bolivian bus up to La Paz as well that evening which was definately interesting. Before it even set off we were sat there waiting to go when everyone started getting off wondering what was going on we looked outside to see some of the other passengers pushing the bus to get it started. It was going to be a long night. Take care and hopefully (we are trying) pictures soon Tatey and Lou xxx
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