So I always knew that the last blog would be the hardest to write, however I didn't expect it to be this difficult. How do I even begin to put into words just how incredible and life changing this trip has been. The answer: I can't. I just have 5 months, 9 days, 22 hours and 50 minutes worth of memories which equate to the best time of my life.
Someone along the way once congratulated me for getting my "s***" together at the age of 19. What they meant was that not many people my age have gone around the world, let alone done it by themselves. I now realize the significance of that comment, in that I'm very lucky as not many people have done what I have. It takes a unique kind of person to leave their old life behind and set off to the other side of the world. Though very rewarding to do so, it was also very hard. I think my biggest challenge of this trip was looking on Facebook and seeing what my friends and family were up to and not being able to share it with them. It was also difficult saying goodbye to the amazing people I met along the way as the chances of seeing them again are very slim. However was of the most scariest things was walking through the exit doors when I arrived back in Melbourne. It meant that the trip was actually over and I wasn't sure if I was ready for that.
People often ask me if I think it's gone fast or slow and to be honest I really don't know. When I think back to America it feels like that was a lifetime ago, however at the same time it feels like it was only yesterday that I was stepping on the plane to leave.
Since then I have realized, learnt and gained so much more knowledge and understanding. Not only about myself but also the world we live in. Here are just a few things this trip has taught me:
- To stand up for myself. When you get ripped off by a Hungarian market guy (true story) no one is there to fight your battle, you gotta do yourself.
- More independence. Though my mother may not like this one, I do feel that I've gained more confidence within myself and am now capable of looking after myself and doing what I think is right for me. :)
- Don't take life to seriously. Unless some miracle life preservation got invented while I was away I'm pretty sure you only get one life. Therefore live your life to the fullest, take opportunities as they come. I know we constantly hear this sort of stuff but doing this trip and seeing so much that not many people are lucky enough to see has made me realise that I probably will not get another chance. Whatever I wanted to do I had to do it then and there because that may well be the only time I'll get to do it.
- Don't worry about what other people think, do what YOU want to do. If you wanna do it don't make excuses. Just bite the bullet and get it done. You'll either regret it or you wont. If you don't regret it then bonus, you win. If you do, well you learn from it and move on.
- To be more social. When your by yourself you kind of have to force yourself to go randomly approach strangers, otherwise your the loner standing there awkwardly with no friends.
- More street wise. Also when your by yourself you have to be careful. You learn who to trust, what seems dodgy and the places to stay away from. You always have to watch your bags and keep an eye out at all time. Luckily nothing ever happened to me but you'll be surprised how much you see.
- Lots and lots of information! I went to America and Europe, of course siteseeing was the biggest part of this trip. It's incredible learning about all these sites, people and places, most of which are centuries old and built even before Australia was discovered! It's quite remarkable when I think about how many iconic sites I've now visited!
- Appreciate what I've got. I never really thought much of Australia but now I do. After visiting about 19 countries, I realise now how good we actually have it in Australia. To me, that will always be home.
Anyway, I'm not saying I'm going to come back and you's won't recognize me. You may not think I've even changed at all and that's okay :) I just know that this trip was something I had to do and am so glad I did! Now that I've seen some of the world I'm eager to keep exploring. They call this the travellers bug. I don't know what's in store for me and when my next trip will be. However I do know that this was a hell of trip to start my travelling off and one which I'll never forget. :)
- comments
Diane Absolutely beautiful Tarryn, sitting at my work desk with tears rolling down my cheeks, glad you enjoyed yourself but also glad you're back. Now get off your butt and get to work and start saving for the next one.
Lynette Hahnel Tarryn what can I say, your blog was absolutely amazing, great to read about your true thoughts of your adventure, great to have you back though. XX
David Hardingham That one sentence said it all Tarryn, ( Don`t worry about what other people think, Do what YOU want to do.) Congratulations for going out into the world and experiencing the real thing, on your own that took a lot of nerve. I`m sure there were people that said you couldn`t or shouldn`t do it. How much better is your life now compared to theirs. Again, Congratulations.