We had a fast, furious and fantastic week in Sydney and Wollongong. In the space of four days we managed to... retrieve our passports (with visas!!) from the French Consulate, get a haircut, do some work for a friend, catch up with our mums, catch up with dad and Deb for the first time in four and a half years, have a night out in Sydney, see friends, have a farewell party, see familly, take Celli to her holiday home in Old Erowal Bay, check out Ricks new warehouse, go shopping, get the cat vaccinated, attend Rotary Orientation day and see mums new house... phew! No wonder we only ever visit the city for a week at a time it's totally exhausting.
We have been home now for a few days and are almost, nearly ready to go. It is kind of strange knowing that you won't be seeing your home for such a long time... kind of exciting to. Three days to go and we haven't even started packing yet, better get going...
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