Two T's
hello!! how is everybody?
well today we got up-had a lazy day yesterday, which is a good job as we had to get up, packed and bags on the bus by 4am, to start a long 12 hr drive to austin........what christian liked to call-van appreciation day. austin is the home town of christian our tour guide. he is so very proud of where he is from, everybody was. we could see why as its a lovely place and the people there are so lovely. its a very proud place. and as christian doesnt let us forget, texas' mascot is the long horn, and their colour is burned orange. tried some lovely racoon hats on today at the shop of where we were staying. stayed in cabins which were great fun-kinda like wendy houses. as a group we all sat round outside nicely wrapped up until we were all ready for bed. drive wasnt that bad at all. christian had made a lovely tea for us tonight-hes very good at cooking!! but most imoprtantly-tonight was the first night we did some laundry.....YEEEEEEAY! was actually meant to go and see a film tonight, but hey ho, another night-save ourselves for king kong.
got up the next day and travelled to San Antonio to see the Alamo. was very interesting andwas all about how texas was a part of America and not mexico-how it became its own state. major reason why texans are soi proud of where they live and what they have achieved. then went to the lovcal shopping centre, which had its own river running through it!!!! yes you heard right! its was gorgeous. preston what?
headed back to the cabins and got to meet some of christians friends, clint and ali who were realy nice. also his parents!! who were-cuter than cute
next day take care for now. 2 TT's x
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