Saturday in China started with a forage for suitable food, unfortunately everything was either based around awful white bread or contained some sort of meat product. I thought I had hit the jackpot when I found a tasty looking roti, unfortunately upon breaking into it I found it laced with meat.
Guangzhou had a more western feel than I …
Saturday in China started with a forage for suitable food, unfortunately everything was either based around awful white bread or contained some sort of meat product. I thought I had hit the j…
We arrived in China on Friday evening, fresh off the train from Hong Kong we eschewed any offers of a taxi at the station; Chris had a map which showed our hotel to be a short walk away and th…
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C'mon mate - it was 4 days ago - it's pissing down with rain here and I'm at work..... share some more adventure
Darren was most displeased that I refused the beer, not sure why he was so miffed as I'd only had 3 hours' sleep in 2 days and was pretty knackered. I assumed that his merciless giggling as I …
I'm here! 2 flights, 2 continents, 2 hemispheres and 2 dogs later I have arrived in Heung Gong (Hong Kong). No sleep on overnight flights makes Tom a dull boy, I have slept for 3 hours today s…
The last few days have been a bit trying. Had a call from my lady girl friend on Friday to say she thought the cat had left a dead animal under the bed. When i got home we moved the bed and sh…
C'mon mate - it was 4 days ago - it's pissing down with rain here and I'm at work..... share some more adventure
Brent C'mon mate - it was 4 days ago - it's pissing down with rain here and I'm at work..... share some more adventure