Out wandering around BA again yesterday and today, the photo is of Av 9 de Julio - 8 lanes going one way and 8 going the other, throw in a couple of bus lanes and some plaza strips and this is one very wide street. To cross it at the lights it was done in 3 sections, maybe if we sprinted we could have crossed in 1 go.
Sorted out trip to Iguazu Falls, head of tonight on an overnight bus then have a couple of nights there - going to be amazing, am a bit over the smog now.
Meandered around the Recoleta Cemetery yesterday, got lost.....the place is huge and is not little graves in the ground, they all tombs and most very elaborate. The sculptures are beautiful. Did get a bit creeped out when I couldn't find my way at one stage and it is at that moment all the tour groups and people that were there are suddenly all gone. Will take a photo from balcony of our hotel and post on site.
Went through the Arts Museum this morning - not overly impressed, very random mish-mash of paintings. The small selection of pastels, charcoals and lithographs they had were fantastic though and the sculptures too.
Then through the local market of arts and crafts, love a good market. Lunch was a couple of very tasty empanadas. Entertainment over lunch was provided by an accordian playing clown - can't go wrong with that.
Tried sangria whilst here, 1st sip thought this isn't too bad, 2nd sip no thanks can taste the wine now. So every time we got complimentary shot-sized glasses of sangria meant Forbes got 2, she wasn't complaining.
Time to shower, pack the bag and head off. Iguazu going to be fantastic!!
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