Newcastle airport at stupid o'clock in the morning was made bearable by a large coffee and porridge and we managed to make it all the way to France in one piece. For those who know us will know this alone is quite a feat. Our plan to stay up all night and go to sleep on the Paris - China leg totally failed I think we were both asleep by the time we got to altitude :/ oh well. Loving the service on China Southern , blankies, cushion and sky tv and movies equals a happy Tamara. Slept a lot on the plane still managed to fit in watching the hungers games catching fire, happy feet 2, the host, the hobbit, big hero 6, a video about Bangkok and an episode of csi.
I think the cabin crew may have had a bet going as to who could hit me the most with the most random item. The winner going to the male air steward who hit me with a folded up stretcher!!
Guangzhou airport does get the award for most random airport. Organised chaos springs to mind. I feel like a curiosity with the amount of people who are staring at us. Well here's to the last 2 hour flight and Mary will blog more later :) xxx
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