We are now in Luang Prabang, a really nice town, with great night markets! We got here on a very interesting mini bus journey of four hours- going up and down mountains- absolutely stunning- if a little scary. Also, our mini bus broke down at one point- whcih just added to our adventure!! The night we got here we went to the night makret (which is a danger zone for my bank account) and we had dinner 'like the locals do' although in all honesty all I could see were westerners! But it was delicious- i had barbequed chicken which was yummy scrumboes!! After that we headed off to the markets and bought lots of goodies!!
The morning after we were up at 4:30am to offer the monks breakfast, but it was chucking it down with rain, so we couldn't go, hopefully going tomorrow morning instead! That night I had an awful night sleep- there was a huge monsoon and storm which kept shaking my bed because of the vibrations and then at 4am the monks in the temple behind kept ringing a bell- to symbolise something... i'm assuming breakfaat time! So yesterday I was very tired, but we had a orientation of the city and then headed off to see an amazing waterfall! It was great- although everyone started panicing about leeches becasue one of our group had been sucked by one on her foot! Also, at the waterfall there was a place where bears had been saved from the border, having been rescued from the chinese before being made into bear soup- so it was really good seeing them!
We went off to the makret again last night- just can't get enough of the food! And in half an hour I am off to a silver factory- again could be a danger zone for me!!
I can't believe I've been here for nearly half my time- it's a little bit insane!
Missing you all loads!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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