Hi! It was awesome to talk to you. Hope you had a good trip to Hobart.
Nice shot in the wet suit. So, help me please, from the blogs and the pics, i'm tryin to figure out exactly what your studying. Beaches? Sand? Pets? How to have fun? Tell me please
Aunt Sue
And I wouldn't mind getting an email every now and then......
Your Sister
Post More Blogs And Pictures!!!
Thank you.
Love, Jaclinn
i luv the photos wish i was there but i'm still waiting to hear about your friends i don't think that would be considered gossip ps it's snowing 6-10'' REALLY WISH I WAS THERE LOVE YA
Aunt Sue & Marty
Sounds like you are having a blast!! But what about the nightlife? Any parties? Write soon! And smooches from the pooches (& cats)!
ha your dad's comment cracked me up. and why arent we hearing about the mates down there or your classmates? get on that missy!
If i wasn't jealous before you left then i'm sure jealous now. How come no mention of the mates down there or even your classmates on the trip. So be honest are you crackin em all up with your laugh. Can't wait for the next post.
jaclinn and i were forced to make our owm matzah balls with chicken soup today.where are you when we need you
Love, mom and jaclinn
Hay lady...PUT UP PICTURES!!!! And write more! We like to hear from you. xoxo
Aunt Sue
Hi Marah! How's the Land of Down Under so far? I can't wait to see your posts and pics from Perth! Miss you!
p.s. Did you figure out who "Rudy" is?
Hey Marah! I just figured out how to do this lol. Call me slow. But I hope you had a good flight! I'm excited to read more about your trip. Hope you had a good plane ride ;-) lol