Are you STILL on "break" from your vacation in Australia
Have a great safe happy spring vacation in new zealand. No there must be something different about new zealand or they'd call it australia. I hope you tell us all about the differnces and that when you get back we'll finally get to see some pictures. Miss seeing you. Hard to believe your trip is half done. Have lots of fun.
Aunt Sue
Love and miss you,
Aunt Sue, Marty and the gang
Aunt Sue & Marty
Save some for us!!
DAMN, I'm tired from all that hiking. Don't you ever get to vacation and rest at all. The country itself sounds beautiful but a country is nothing without people, Tell us about the autralians, i'd love to hear. Are they as nice and funny as they are rumored to be? can you understand anything they're saying yet? Seems so strange to go north to get warm. Are you sure you don't have everything backwards? Love ya.
sounds like you had a great must be very tired.can't wait for the photos p.s. how many ghosts were there?
Aunt Sue
And what about the snakes? I hear they have the most venomous snakes in the WORLD on Tasmania....and they like to snack on young, petite women....
The Tasmanian Devil is the largest surviving carnivorous marsupial and has the strongest bite of ANY living mammal. And they live where Marah is living and camping. Be very afraid.
Marah I am glad you came back from your camping trip with out being eaten by a Tasmanian, Jaclinn was really worried that you would after having too much free time on google
Marah, you can't get mad if people are not commenting on your message board if you aren't posting anything for us to comment on. COME ON! Update us. I better read about your camping trip when you get back.
No posts? No marah pics? too busy? how bout telling us a little bout the the culture down there. is it any different in hobart than in perth? like here the the sataes, the left coast id different than the easy coaast and north and south too. is it like that over there. different accents? differenet food? differenet attitudes? commmon girl tell us all about it.
Jaclinn...on Behalf Of Everyone...
Marah...we need more blogs and more pictures...we are all waiting...