T minus 0. D-day. The 'D' standing for departure day. How do we know that?? Because it’s absolutely pissing down!! It wouldn’t be the same without a spot of rain as we are leaving. This was quite the downpour.
We are off through our Panama Canal cruise on the Island Princess. Today we fly down to Heathrow in the afternoon, staying at a Travel Lodge. Tomorrow we fly to San Francisco where we will spend 3 nights before joining the ship for 15 nights R & B (Relaxation and Blogging!!!)
After 2 days at sea our first port is Cabo San Lucas in Mexico on the Baja peninsula. Another 3 days at sea before we touch land in Costa Rica (Puntarenas). The next day we dock in Panama City before transiting the Panama Canal. Cartagena, Columbia, one of the locations in the very funny ‘Romancing the Stone’ starring Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner, is our next port. Our final destination is Aruba in the Netherland Antilles before heading back across the Carribbean Sea and disembarking in Fort Lauderdale. We will hire a car and make our way up to Orlando where we fly home on 13th October. Pheww! I need a holiday after just typing that lot!!! During our trip there will be time for baseball and we will be visiting at least 2 World Heritage Sites. Furthermore, we will be setting foot on our 6th Continent
So, I’ve locked the windows and cleaned the living room. Why do people clean the house before they go on holiday? Is it some sort of pride thing in the unfortunate circumstance that your house gets robbed?
‘Hey Knuckles, Mrs Jones at no, 53 hadn’t hoovered up. Oh she should be ashamed if I had have known she was a sloppy housekeeper, I would have burgled number 55 instead!!!’
Come to think of it, not cleaning may be some sort of deterrent. Once the thieves see you haven’t put the dishes away or dusted, they may never burgle you again!!!
I switched on the TV to watch a bit of daytime tele while Roisin was finishing the last bit of packing. The Bio channel was showing a programme called Pawn Stars. A bit disappointing. It wasn’t what I expected!!!
2pm and we were on our way. It was still raining very heavily. Before we knew it we were sitting in departures at Manchester airport.
The flight to Heathrow left 50 minutes late due to the inclement weather. The take off could have been better. You can usually tell the severity of the flight by the white indentations embedded in to my arm made by Roisin’s fingernails!!!
We arrived in to Heathrow terminal 1 and headed for the Heathrow Express to take us to terminal 5 where we could pick up the hopper bus to the travel lodge.
The elevator at T5 is glass. This takes you up to a glass walkway that leads to the arrivals hall. ‘They’ say (I don’t actually know who ‘they’ are!!) that you should do 1 thing every day that scares you. Today Roisin has done three things: Flew, took a glass elevator and crossed a glass bottomed walk way. She is now trying to claim she is in credit for the next few days.`
The first leg of our trip is complete. Even Roisin said she is looking forward to the 11-hour flight tomorrow in an oddly weird way. Should I be worried??!!
- comments
Marie Looking forward to more, your going to some fab places
chris-roisin Thanks Marie. You and Donny have a great time on your US road trip!I see you're going to some brill places as well!!
Ragnhild So you´re off again. It´s the right time to go when the days are getting greyer and certainly other parts of the globe is nicer. I´m looking forward to our trip down under; New Zealand in December, (Perhaps I should make a travel blog too...) Inbetween I´m looking forward to read your blog. Have a super time!!
Elaine Hope you both have a great trip, looking forward to the blogs and photos.