Yes indeedy! Chris and Roisin's last day at sea before hitting their first port of call – Honolulu on Oahu Island was greeted at 7am by the brightest rainbow. You could actually see where the rainbow ended. Not on the horizon as one would expect but actually in the middle of the Ocean. Roisin thought for a second that she could see a little green person bobbing in the sea holding on to a shiny cauldron muttering 'keep yer teevin’ hands of me gold, begorrah!!
4 days in to the cruise and Chris and Roisin have not really taken part in any activities preferring instead to ‘sun it up’ on deck and ‘pamper it up’ in the thermal spa suite. So today to break the mould they decided to work out those brain cells (note the plural!!) and so the first stop was the suduko challenge on deck 7 in the Wheelhouse Lounge at 09.15.
Chris had every confidence in Roisin’s ability as he doesn’t know anyone who can complete a grid as fast as her; especially the Mail on Sunday 12 square suduko. She had to sit facing in to the lounge so she could eye up the competition. Confidence was high and the clock was ticking down to the start of the challenge. 5 minutes to go. 3 minutes 1 – then it happened. It all went pear shaped. A Japanese gentleman and his wife walked in to the lounge. Game over! The rule was that there was 20 minutes on the clock and the one who has completed the most squares within that time is the winner and would be presented with one of those medals similar to the ping pong champion a few days ago! The Japanese lady completed the grid in less than 7 minutes!!
After finally managing to figure out the laundry machines and iron and a quick spot of lunch it was off to Club Fusion for a Trivia quiz. Roisin and Chris were sitting on their own waiting for the quiz to start when a man with a Geordie accent approached and asked, ‘Are you on yer own, d’yer wanna join us, like?" He introduced himself as Donny and his wife Marie (I kid you not!) from Washington, Tyne & Wear. Brendan and Trudi from Derry, Northern Ireland, also joined them. It was an enjoyable afternoon and although they didn’t win, one couldn’t help being impressed by Donny’s trivia knowledge.
Immediately following the quiz was bingo. Roisin had received a free card by taking part in the suduko earlier but decided to buy more games. Chris thought that this would be a good time to visit the gym and spa. He arranged to meet Roisin in the Gym after the bingo had finished.
Chris was in the gym for just on 1 hour and still no sign of Roisin. He decided to take a sauna as there is only so much pummelling a 50 year old body can take on the tread mill and cross trainer.
5 minutes in to the sauna, the door opened and a head popped in, "I’m back.” Roisin said. They couldn’t get the electronic machine to work so we were nearly half an hour late in starting. In the end they had to use the tombola drum. Oh! And I won $100!!”
“Wow! That’s fantastic!” Chris exclaimed.
“It should have been $200”, continued Roisin, “But someone else called at the same time”
“Still a result.” Chris said.
Chris learned also that there is a snowball. Basically if a full house is won within a certain number of balls, the winner takes the pot. If no one wins it, the winnings increase for the next game (depending on the number of players) and so does the numbers required. The jackpot currently stands at $1050
During today’s snowball, as a number was called Donny let rip the loudest sneeze imaginable. The game stopped and the caller looked over.
“Was that a shout, sir?”
“Nay, man, I just sneezed!!”
No-one won and the jackpot is now £1150.
Chris and Roisin were sitting in their cabin after returning from the show when the internal phone rang.
‘Sorry to bother you sir” said a voice. “This is the officer of the watch on the bridge. Could you please close your curtains as the reflection and glare is affecting our navigation equipment’.
Chris was relieved. He half expected the Officer of the watch to say ‘Please close your curtains as we can see you sitting in your undies and you’re frightening the fish!!!’
The clocks go back a further hour tonight. This means that Chris and Roisin are now 11 hours behind UK time.
- comments
Helen I went cruising at the weekend myself but you wouldn't catch me blogging on and on about it! To be honest I think you're just trying to make us all feel jealous (well you've succeeded!)I played bingo too - but didn't win. The luck of the Irish eh!Lovin' it Lovin' it Lovin' it