ChIndia Eco-tour 0909-0510
About Markku
Back at home. First Finnish sauna enjoyed. More to come within a few days.
This blog is about my winter 09-10 train, bicycle, bus and boat tour from Helsinki to Russia, Mongolia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and India. The return trip will take me via eastern EU from Turkey to Finland via Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
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Espoo,Finland, Finland
Back at home. First Finnish sauna enjoyed. More to come within a few days.
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Warsaw,Poland, Poland
I wrote an entry yesterday in Bratislava but it once again disappeared probably due to some incompatibility with the computer in the Internet Cafe. Yesterday was a heavy day as I left the host…
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Budapest,Hungary, Hungary
Hi! According to my travel plan I should not be here, but as I found out that there were no bus or train connections from Ljubljana to Bratislava I decided to travel via Budapest (It was cheap…
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Belgrade, Serbia
I have now progressed to Serbia. I stopped for two nights in Sofia, Bulgaria but did not find Internet cafe at a suitable time there. I did some walking around there and visited Natural Histor…
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İstanbul, Turkey
Now İ have done my tourism in Istanbul. Yesterday İ vısıted mausoleums of Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Great Bazaar, Cagaloglu Hamam and Archeologıcal Museum. After that İ was too tıred t…
jukkah Jeps, tämä tuhkapilvi sotkee koko euroopan liikenteen. Yksi tuttu lähti juuri junalla Budapestista puksuttamaan kohti pohjolaa.
re: Budapest,Hungary, Hungaryjukka h Moi, luin juuri kirjan "Valkoinen tiikeri", joka kertooo Intiasta. Kirjan luettuani aloin ajatella, ettet ehkä sittenkään taida haluta pyöräillä Intiassa. Liikenne taitaa monin paikoin olla melko hallitsematonta, arvaamatonta?
re: Mangalore,India, Indiajukka h No minä kärsin tuon USA-ottelun uljaasti loppuun asti. Ei ollut muutakaan tekemistä. Mutta jos olisin Intiassa olisin varmaan lopettanut 15 minuutin kohdalla viimeistään. (peli muuten päättyi 6-1)
re: Bengaluru,India, India- last visited
- travel plan
- Helsinki, Finland
- Moscow, Russia
- Ulan Bator, Mongolia
- Beijing, China
- Shenzhen, China
- Nanning, China
- Hanoi, Vietnam
- Hue Á»C, Vietnam
- Quy Nhon, Vietnam
- Nha Trang, Vietnam
- Phan Rang- Thap Cham, Vietnam
- Phan Thiet, Vietnam
- Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- Siem Reap, Cambodia
- Bangkok, Thailand
- Chiang Mai, Thailand
- Bangkok, Thailand
- Penang Island, Malaysia
- Phuket, Thailand
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Singapore City, Singapore
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Negombo, Sri Lanka
- Sigiriya, Sri Lanka
- Kandy, Sri Lanka
- Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka
- Trivandrum, India
- Kanyakumari, India
- Madurai, India
- Pondicherry, India
- Chennai, India
- Bangalore, India
- Mysore, India
- Mangalore, India
- Colva, India
- Anjuna, India
- Baga, India
- Mumbai, India
- Istambul, Turkey
- Sofia, Bulgaria
- Belgrade, Serbia
- Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Budapest, Hungary
- Bratislava, Slovakia
- Warsaw, Poland
- Vilnius, Lithuania
- Riga, Latvia
- Tartu, Estonia
- Espoo, Finland
jukkah Jeps, tämä tuhkapilvi sotkee koko euroopan liikenteen. Yksi tuttu lähti juuri junalla Budapestista puksuttamaan kohti pohjolaa.