Hi guys
sounds like you are having the time of your lives! Thanks for the postcard good to know you're safe. it will please you to know that it has been pissing it down here for the last few days and is set to continue for the foreseeable!!!!
Take care
lots of love
Emsie and Ian
Hi T&A Hope u r ok?Thanku so much 4 postcard!It sounds like u adventures r getting better & better!It sounds like alfie is having a great time 2!Lucy is walking now got 2 have eyes @the back of our head now!On sunday i had the radio on and snow patrol came on singing ur wedding song live as they were @ radio 1s big weekend in swindon!The hairs @ the back of my neck went up and it made me think about u both and what crazy thing u would be doing?!?!Look 4ward 2 reading ur next blog!U tc love sam,brian&lucyXXXXXXXXXX
Peter & Elaine
Hi Guys, thanks for the post card. Your great blogs and pics are reminding us of our trip last year down under, especially in syndey. Have a great time on the reef (it truely is amazing!) and enjoy your trip through the outback to the BIG rock, it really is massive.
While in the outback, why don't you try the local cuisine - Camel burgers! Apparently there are millions of them roaming around out there.
Anyway can't wait for the next update and pictures from OZ, as well as the rest of your around the world trip, although they do make us a little bit jealous!
See you guys soon, P & E.
PS - Final Score just in, Hammers 0 - Liverpool 3!! Sorry mate couldn't help keeping your up to date with news back home. :-)
Hi Tim&Amanda Hope u r ok?It looks like u r still having a ball!I bet u wont want 2 come home!Lucy is walking now!Trouble on 2 legs now!She is full of the joys of spring!there is up to date pics of her on face book if u want 2 c how much she has changed?!Hope alfie the traveling bear is ok and he has been good?!!!!!U take care luv sam,bri&lucyxxx
Eileen Smith
what a great place Aussie seems to be , glad you both are having a great time , speak soon
Tubby & Katie
We're soooooooooo jelous!
Sounds like your having an amazing time!!
Don't drink too much and start dancing on the tables at the Woolshed in Cairns. Those who have been will nkow exactly what i mean!!!
Keep the updates coming their great to read. See you soooon
Tubby & Kate x
Hi Amanda & Tim ,looks like you're having a whale of a time and your pics are great.
Are you missing Blighty yet?No of course you're not!!!!!
Keep in touch
Ian Godfrey
Hi guys - glad you're having such a great time - Em and I are very jealous and looking forward to all the photos! Have fun ticking off all the "big" things in Oz, there are some wierd ones beware! and can't believe it took 5 blog posts before you started mentioning stuff being "the largest xxxx in the southern hemisphere"....they are obsesses with that phrase down under eh?!
right, you get back to enjoying yourselves...you lukcy things! take care...and dont forget to re-confirm those flights! sorry...!
Eileen Smith
Hi Amanda and Tim , lovely to hear from you again , what a fabulous place Aussie seem sto be , lovely piccys , speak soon , Luv Eileen and KEN XX
Sam Whiteside
Hi T&A Hope u r ok?It sounds like u r having a great adventure!We wish we were there with u!Lucy had chicken pox the other week but fully recovered now!Sping has sprung here which is nice to see colour in the garden!!!u tc luv sam,brian&lucyxxx
Caroline Colman
Hey guys, good to hear from you. Sounds like you've been up to loads !!
Sorry haven't posted a message for a while - things are hectic !! House looks like it is going through ok, just waiting for new job to be signed off - all very political in current climate.
Keep your fingers crossed for me !!
Missing you loads, and jealous as ever.
Take it easy
Eileen Smith
Hi you two , havent heard from you in awhile , so you must be travelling across Aussie in the camper van , so will speak agin soon , good luck on your travels