Sweet-Lee Adventures 2010!
Hi everyone!
We've arrived in sunny NZ and have picked up our home for a month - a campervan! Spent our first night in it last night and both survived so all is good! Photos to follow as had problems trying to upload them today.
We're currently in the centre of Christchurch - have just walked alongside the river through the botanical gardens. Very picturesque as great weather here today!
Heading up north over next few days up to Kaikoura where we've booked to swim with dolphins on Monday morning... at 5.30am! Hopefully the early start will be worth it!!
Great to see so many of you reading this - keep the messages coming!
- comments
Sally & Simon Glad to hear the weather is good for you. Snow here! Causing loads of problems as usual. Simon had his car crunched last night by two joyriding youths driving like idiots around his housing estate who then drove off! Enjoy the campervan :-)
Lisa Hi honey. We've got snow!!!!! Missy started at St Mewan yesterday but it's been closed today so its snowman making for me and the kids all day! I can't wait to hear all about the dolphins, I've no doubt it will be more than worth the early start. Huge big snowy kisses and hugs from us all. P.s how is that holiday hair coming along, have you tried out your teeny tiny straighteners yet??
john hutchings well if thats the photo of your campervan it's very nice ! ! ! bit limited where you can go though. looks nice and sunny where you are. we're enjoying the snow back here. you'll love the dolphins. enjoy.
mum great to hear all well and that you have sun.Have fantastic time with dolphins,hope they are up that early as well!Took pics of your poor car in snow!Looking foward to more you loads xxx
Claire, Andy & Boz A bit belated but Happy New Year! We're not jealous at all seeing you in the sun when its snowing here! Heather is back and had a great time - she said that swimming with dolphins was one of the best bits. Enjoy!
Jenny & Jonny Looks like you're having an absolutely wonderful time, I'm just green with envy! Looking forward to the next entry. Happy new year! Jenny and Jonny xxx
Auntie Ann Just enjoyed your OZ pics. On Familiar territory now! Are you stopping at Pauls on the way to Kaikoura? I went albatros watchingthere Its very cold here but David & i dont leave til Feb 17th Lots Of love Auntie Ann & Cari
Laura Hi sweetie, glad to see you guys have arrived in NZ safely. Very jealous of the sunshine. So cold here. But I am loving the snow! Make sure you get some pics of the dolphins. That will be so amazing. Have fun! xxx
Lynda Laycock Hi you two bet you're glad to leave this snow bound country behind! wish I was with you! If you see Paul give him a hug for me. Off to look at your Aussie pics now x
Vickie & Wilbur Hey guys! Reading your blog has made us so jealous! We are sat here hiding from the snow and ice and cold and Wilbur has man-flu. Keep the photos coming so that we can follow you around. And Chelle, we are delighted to see the WINDJAMMER is having a holiday too!! Missing you already. Lots of love Vickie & Wilbur xx P.s. Will says that "every single bone in his body aches"!!!