Life's Long Adventure
Why I felt that an evening of no sleep and a great deal of cheap, Malaysian Vodka with "Kickapoo Joy Juice" was a wise plan before having to catch four flights is beyond me. My stomach churned throughout my first flight, eyes barely able to stay open and head spinning. Naturally, I was utterly delighted to be rejected by immigration, made to sit and wait for two uncomfortable hours, numerous officers appearing to inspect my passport, stare at me inquisitively, make various phone calls and insist that, despite it being 2.30pm, I would still be able to catch my 3pm flight, providing they realised I was not a threat to Beijing. Eventually, my innocence was confirmed and I was pemitted to go through, alas, my flight had jetted off without me being aboard. A new flight was arranged for me, so I had to occupy myself for six hours at the airport, still feeling like a slowly drowning rat, stomach devoid of solid food and head having not rested since Thursday night. Now though, all is well. I'm absolutely sick of airports, having spent endless hours wandering around three of them. I'm in Dubai with a Chinese man who I met on the plane; it was his first journey on said type of transport, in fact, this is his first time away from home!
Kuala Lumper was awesome. The hostel environment was so relaxed, I just didn't want to leave! Spent my first night being thrashed at cards and talking to the various groups there until the wee hours. Didn't prevent me from rising early to explore the Islamic part of KL, having to wear a highly attractive, mauve robe WITH a hood in order to enter the National Mosque. I felt like part of the Star Wars cast, minus exciting weapons and...well...stars...In the afternoon, I joined Chris, Selina and Si from the hostel, we four venturing to The National Art Gallery. The exhibition was a mix of contemporary work and local crafts, I was particularly impressed with the giant, seemingly fluffy jumper on the wall! After spending several hours there, I took Si on a magical, mystery tour to Little India. After a miniature trek around KL, we managed to find some street curry. So good. That night, the whole hostel grouped together to watch a film.
Si and I spent the day at a very expensive aquarium before I bid a sad farewell to all, leaving for Melaka. Arriving there, part of me wished I'd stayed in KL; it was nine at night and everywhere was closed, even my hostel! I spent my full day there on a cultural tour - I have never been to so many churches, temples, mosques, museums, palaces and monuments in such a short space of time. Exhausted and feeling thoroughly intellectual and far too full of historical knowledge, I met Ivor and Sylvain. We went out for a few drinks, getting in at the horrendously late time of 10pm! I spent my second day in Melaka with them, we using our time wisely by watching films!
Rein arrived at our hostel that evening and the four of us decided to return to KL the next day, feeling somewhat Melaka-ed out. So, off we went, arriving to sweltering heat and a full hostel. It was fun surprising everyone there and equally great to see them all again - like returning home! Had a very lazy day of talking and eating and decided to spend the evening drinking vodka, as mentioned at the beginning...
I started this blog in Dubai, but finish it in England. It's cold, raining and incredibly dull, but this is home. For now anyway. Travelling has been rewarding on so many levels; lessons have been learnt about the world, its people and my very self. The places i've seen, experiences i've had and people i've met have all helped to shape me into the person I am now. I will never forget a single second of the past five months and I will never forget the friends I have made. Zoe has already been mentioned, but is probably the most important person i've come across, Selina, Caca and her family, Rain, April, Fran Bear...all my students, the rock climbing lot, the diving lot, the Malaysia lot - all of you: thank you. You made my travels.
My thanks goes to all of you too, you readers who have so kindly trawled through my ramblings and even complimented my endless tales. It's been a pleasure to provide some entertainment for you, I shall miss being able to share my story. However, there is no longer anything left to write, I return to the monotony of reality and so this blog will cease to continue. You have heard my story, my adventures in Asia, but they don't have to simply be words on a page, a collection of memories, they can be a reality for you. Just stop what you're doing, leave everything behind and go. Get out of England onto the open road, following an unknown path with no definite destination, then you'll understand just how hard it is to to close the pages of my journal, leave behind my blog and let this time in my life rest in the past.
Good luck to you all and thank you once again. Remember to strive to reach your dreams and, as they say in China, be happy everyday.
For one last time...
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