Loving the addition of more photos, figured it out! 'S all good!! Could surf out the front today, big long rollers coming through - think we might have cliffs instead of beached though, will go and look later. Much love to you both. xx
Hi Suzie and David,
Just read through your blog. Thoroughly enjoyed reading about your experiences and reflected on some of the experiences we shared including the many smiles, laughter and camp fire cooking.
Keep up the good work and happy travelling.
Have just caught up on the last 2 weeks worth - too much fun, brilliant!!
Can you upload a few more pics??
Lotsa love, KC & boys xxxx
Christine Buise
Well what a wonderful time you are having. Have enjoyed reading about your travels so far. Am very jealous. Very cold & miserable here at the moment but then it is winter!! Have fun xxx
Hi Happy Campers, has been great to talk to you these last couple of days. I'm green too! The photos are AMAZING!! You deserve this wonderful experience soooo much! Tracked my registered post on the net and it has been signed for in Perth!! Take care, stay safe, sending loads of love from us all xxx
hi its andi how are you going. are you having fun?
lots of love and kisses and hugs
Great to talk to you today. Have just caught up with the blog - I'm green!!
Take care
love and hugs
Margaret R
Just caught up on all your adventures and enjoyed the armchair ride. Seems you are the V/Commodore are enjoying every minute. Don't rush south it's bloody freezing and days getting shorter. Looking forward to y'r next blog?
Jeanette Roslyn Smith
Have sent you an email, info about Nicola's new job. Take care, sounds like you are having a ball. J
I remember those little black flies from the Mangroves around Exmouth.....a bunch of us ended up having to get an injection of something to stop the itching. Keep safe. M
Hi gorgeous
Hope you are travelling well.
All good here, Nicola most excited as she has got a job, starting next Monday, will email details. Take care. Love Jeanette
Happy Mother's Day - thinking of you! KC & boys xxxx