Sorry I've not written on here very much but I wasn't actually sure how to do it! Caroline has now shown me!! Anyway just to let know Siem Reap 2 entry is now on. I spent ages the other day doing it and it wouldn't save so after a lot of fathing I have now managed to transfer from e-mail on to here. The blog entrys for Cambodia are a little messed up. Siem Reap is meant to be before Battembang. Also Kratie is now on there as well which is where we are now. But moving on tomorrow. Also we are now thinking that we will be in Loas by Monday.
Love to you all and I hope you are all still enjoying keeping up to date with us. Take care
Love Suz xx
Julie & Ben
Hi you two, I cannot believe how many places you have been to already, it is fab. Have not been on for a while and have had a lot of reading to catch up with, which has been great, you are having such an amazing time. Hear from you soon.
Julie and Ben xxx
Hi Caroline... can`t help u with that one i`m afraid... just go into any travel agent there & ask for a budget flight to BKK, also ask them about visas if u want to travel overland because i may be wrong, if so.... u can get an overnight bus from Vientienne (on the Thai/Laos border) straight to Bangkok or Pattaya.... about 12 hour trip, but only about 1000 baht i reckon. Catch u both soon
Skell xx
Hi Skell just another quick one what airline are the cheapest flights with? and is it better to book it in advance or nearer the time?x
Hi girls, great update found it really really interesting and enjoyed reading it. It is said that travel broadens the mind and it seems you are confirming that. Take care of each other and yourselves lots and lots of love Dad xxx
Hey-up Girls.... Cambodia, Harrowing or what?...wait `til u get to Pattaya!!!! ... only joking. Flight from Laos should be about 1,500 baht... (about 30 quid) into Bangkok. Accommodation, what standard are u looking for, hot & cold running men?.. nah...i`m sure we can come up with something to suit at a cheap rate. Can`t wait to take u around some of the `Ladyboy`, don`t tell your Mum.... hope they`ve taken your Dads photo down!!!! [email protected] If u have any problems... ring me on... 00 66 892159436 Love Skell x
Mike & Angela
hey girls .... thanks, got your postcard and will hand it round the pub on sunday... beer at 50p a pint ... bring us some back lol.
and thanks for the offer for us to do it at 50p a pint, i, will give it some serious thought... o.k. thought about it and no.
so pleased your having a great time, we follow your blogs and pics with great interest, and i told you caroline, the homesickness soon wears off, anyhow ... keep writing, and take care, still hoping to see you when we get to oz.
love to you both ... mike & angela
p.s. .. dad and mel are away for 3 weeks now but will save the card for them.
Hi skell
Thanks for the info regarding visa we still need to sort these out we may see how much a flight would cost from Loas. That would be good if you could sort us out with accommodation for Pattaya please how much roughly will this be? Can you post your email address on the message board as don't think we've got it thank you speak and see you soonxx
Hiya girls, Just looked through all of your photographs and they are fab. Sounds like you are having your eyes opened a bit in Cambodia though. Hope you enjoy it and take care. (Starting to panick a bit now, only 13 days to Amy's wedding!)xx
mmmmmm.... just had another thought, you may have already sorted your visas out prior to leaving the UK !!!! If u have... please disregard the last message..... except the bit about keeping safe & enjoying everything.... oh, & the accommodation thing.
see ya... Skell x
Hey-up Girls, Sounds like you`re still having a great time. Was having a think the other day & wondered about your Visa`s, as far as i`m aware they only issue a 15 day visa for Thailand when u travel overland compared to a 30 day if u fly in.... might be worth checking it out just in case!!! Also, if u go to Phnom Phen, pop into the Thai Consulate & they would be able to issue u with a longer pass.... but, as i say, just check-up 1st.... By the way, do u want me to get u some accommodation for Pattaya?.... keep on enjoying & keep safe, Love Skell x
Hi Girls, just caught up with all of your blogs. What a fantastic time you appear to be having - Vietnam seems a very interesting place. Amy's wedding is just over two weeks away now and I think panick might just set in very soon!!!! Take car of yourselves and enjoy every moment. Love Joy xxx