Hi girls, its Amanda, had an Easter egg hunt today, much too much chocolate but good fun. At your mums for chix yum yum, very good,sorry to be so parochial. Sounds you are having a fab time and recovering from a fairly minor scam with the tea girls. Love Amanda xxxx
Suzie And Caroline
Thank you all for keeping in touch and leaving all your messages.
More posts to follow soon xx
P.S. Great wal of China tomorrow.l
Suzie And Caroline
Hello this is a special message to Granny,
Happy Easter to you Granny!!! Have a lovely meal at dad's and were missing you lots!! get dad to print off our blogs and then you can spend some time reading them. Were a little behind at the moment but due to catch up tomorrow. Were having a great time and have been to many an attraction including the Summer palace and The Forbidden City. We have visited The Birds nest today. Postcards to follow in the next few days-although I don't think the post will be that quick!! Hope your well once again missing you Suzie and Caroline xx
Hi There, sounds like you're having the time of your lives already, am so jealous. Glad your bag turned up suze, and quite agree Caroline would have freaked. Cazzie, Your little car has had its own little trip to the seaside ("sunny Mabo") ha ha. Alex loves your car we are struggling to get her out of it when we get home, the little toad. Can't wait for the next installment. Take care to you both and hear from you son xx
Sounds as though you are having a hoot. Emma & Amy also experienced the "photo taking" in Tiannamen Square - I think you are right - not used to the Brits 'look'. Enjoy the rest of your time there. xx
Trish Hewitt
Found it at last and loving reading your journal!.Just need to buy a webcam now and get John to come round to instruct me and all will be well! Glad that you are making the most of Bejing.
All my love Mum xxx
Hi there - so glad all is going well - hope your case has turned up!!! guess by now you have knickers - I think the whole of Louth must know by now - at least reading other messages - ha ha
Everything seems ok here - am with Charlotte and enjoying time with Harriet - will be in touch again soon lots and lots of love Elaine X X
Hiya girls!!
Glad you arrived safely and enjoying it! Suz I hope your bag has turned up.... poor you! Bet your secretly glad it was Suzies bag and not yours Caz! lol! Have you had your first argument yet? Weve all got bets on!! ha ha ha! Anyway have fun and will speak soon!
Lots of love Fran, John and Henry XXX
erm ..... i think they may have knicker shops in beijing .... failing that .... commando ???
really pleased your both safely back on the ground ... enjoy xx
Hope Suzie's luggage has turned up by now - what a start! Or, have you had to buy wash powder for those 'spare knickers'? A big place Begiing isn't it? xx
Well done girls - you were so brave at the airport. Mum was fine on the way home (a little quiet ) Sorry to hear about Suzies luggage - you know mum is always right!!!! about nickers any way. Lots and lots of love X X
Just a quick message to you both. Hope you have a fantastic time. Look after each other, stay safe and enjoy every moment of all the magical places you will be visiting. xx