Yay, I finally have internet...yuck, connection out here sucks and the moment all us student found out our new hotel had wireless we ran to the rooms and stuck there an hour...21st century, huh? haha...Anyways....
Omg..Spain!!! It has been so amazing...The flight was a lil rough, it basically made us loose a whole day, which really took its toll on me. We got here Sunday (superbowl sunday), but everyone was so jet-lagged, esp me that I really cant account for me...It was SNOWING when we arrived in Madrid, can you beleive it. LAter we took a bus tour at night but honestly I was falling asleep and drooling haha...Anyways, I went to bed early that night to cath up on my much needed sleep and the next morning we headed to El Palacio Real, which is where the Royal family used to live..Anyways, its a huge palace, and it was amazing because i have never seen anything like that before...But here we are about half way into the tour, and i hadnt been feeling well all morning but then all the sudden it hit me, i got up to jenna and im like dude i feel like im going to pass out...then it gets worse and i decided to go to the director and tell her i needed to leave to sit down, so then she freaks out and starts hurring me out of el palacio, and next thing i know we are storming down the marble staircase and im holding back my nasaue (spelling?) in to back this hilariously embarassing story short i puke in the lobby...that is right, of the PALACIO REAL, like the Royal Palace! ahha...I promise you i couldnt hold it back, and I promise you this was not a consequence of any drinking the night before. But it has really made for a hilarious story, and we all keeping laughing so hard about it because thats like the equivalent of throwing up in the white house or something...hahaha!
Anyways, we went to El Museo De la Reina Sofia later, which holds a lot of Spain's modern art...this was so amazing because I was standing next to original Picasso, etc... artwork. We had a great tour who told us a lot of history too, and had a lot to reveal about Picasso's Gurenia (spelling?) masterpiece, and how it represented Spain's liberation from communist rule under Franco...pretty sweeet and it all gave me chills...Anyways I saw Salvador Dali originals too which was awesome because he is one of my favorites and i cant wait to go to some of the museos dedicated only to him.
So that night a group of us took the metro to the center of madrid and went out for some Tapas, and Sangria....las patas bravas y sangria fueron excellentes.... and we had a really fun time, and the metro system is awesome.
The second day today was even beter...We went to El Escorial, which is basically a historic Monestary but the best part is that the Royal familes were buried/tombed there...but they make it so spectacular and extravaggent so it was really the coolest thing i have ever seen! There was amazzzzzzzzzing artwork, i snuck a couple pics that I will post. I really wish I could explain how amazing it was, but there were really no words to describe it...It was like the history, age, stories, and royalty literally seeps into and gives you makes you emotional at some point because I feel so lucky to be looking at and experiencing things that old.
After that we left for Toledo, and that is where I am at now...everyone is pretty worn out so we kinda just hung out at the hotel here, but it was fun cause were staying at a really nice resort/hotel.
A lil about the culture so far....It is SO different...Ive noticed so far that there lifestyle is just so slow-paced...they dont value work and money really at all....I see no nice cars, houses, etc....They all just live a simple life, and really value friendships with each other and families...Im sure Im going to get an even better perspective of their cultures when I being living with my host family on Thursday, but so far that is what Ive noticed. Also, the food is amazing and they are all boozing alcoholics, hahah....
OK well it is now 2:40 in the morning, and I think it is time we go to sleep...lots of Toledo sightseeing tommorow....XOXO. Buenas Noches
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