I really wasn't looking forward to this sleeper train journey to Bangkok. I have never had a decent nights sleep on a train and sharing facilities with 40 other people probably wouldn't have improved the experience.
But it turned out to be really comfortable and although one or two of our traveling companions snored quite loudly I actually managed a good sleep. In the picture Susan is sitting on a seat which together with my seat turned into the lower bunk. The upper bunk came down like an airline overhead locker. It comtained the sheets pillows and mattresses and was made up by the guard in an instant. After a curry dinner we settled down for the night and were awakened in the morning at 6am by loud shouts of "Bangkok 15 minutes!!"
Susan opened her curtain to see a passing monk in his orange robes make his way to the exit.
We were unable to have the computer fixed - very serious problem - not enough time so typing on expensive hotel computer.
More tails of Bangkok to come. Had a great time here. Fabulous things to see.
- comments
Sharon Looks nearly as comfortable as our 'Barain Berths'!! Sorry to hear about your computer, hope you will manage to get it fixed.Well that's the end of your first tour which has been quite an adventure. I hope you have a nice wee break before you embark on your Tribe Trek. I trust you have got your blow pipe with you!!xx
Mhairi Sorry to hear you didn't manage to get the Mac fixed.... Looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip and seeing the lovely pics from the rest of Asia. I'm sure it'll be an inspiration for my next visit!
Agnes Definitely brings memories of the bargain berths - hope you had enough time to get ready to leave the train! Hope you manage to get the mac fixed . Yor trip looks absolutely wonderful.