Notes from the road: it is my dream, not to die nobly for a cause, but to live humbly for one.
I'm still alive and passing the time mostly by wasting it. I'm on a different mission, not just to see the city, but to try and live in it if only for a short while. Recently, however, I have failed. Mostly just hanging out instead of learning and this may be the first time I feel a spark of regret for something I have done while traveling. Not exploring Cambodia more thoroughly then I am. I can only hope there will be a next time, and when It arrives, that Cambodia will not have turned into Thailand the second. But, as much as I like it here, I am committed to one thing now: changing pace and reaching Bangkok in time for my flight out of here to Sydney. It is coming too fast. Much too fast, but if there is one thing that I am good at, it is commitment. When I make up my mind about something, I am true to is and it is done. So, this is the ultimate goal, good times and safe travels, so I try not to take either for granted. It is important for me to do what I do and return home at some point relatively unscathed. I guess you could say that if you don't injure yourself, you're not trying hard enough or some athletic pep rally bull s*** like it. But, it is true in its own way. If you never get robbed, if you never got scared, if you were never forced to do something you didn't want to do, then you are not trying hard enough. Or more appropriately, you are trying too hard. Too hard to make everything turn out ok. Some people sing that tune and I like ignoring them. It gives me a sense of satisfaction and superiority to validate myself as a true member of the traveling community and not just another face passing through. The truth is, I am hardly a seasoned traveler. Far, far from it and I have a lot more traveling to do before can be counted among the elite traveling class. Those of us that have seen so many places that you actually return to some you have already been to just for s***s. Its gonna be a while for me. My "list," as they say, is long. The list is the countries that you have not been to, but plan on visiting at some point. I thought my list would have gotten a little smaller after this trip. But, on the contrary, it has grown so enormously large that I am unable to properly manage it. I am currently formulating plans for my next great adventure already and it looks like either South America, or India, Nepal and China for 2009. Hopefully this time next year ill be getting the last few things together before taking off again. And that idea suits me just fine. It should be enough motivation to finish another intense year of school and work, that way I can reap the rewards of my hardships in the form of planes, trains and automobiles. My own little movie of funny antics and clever stories and with nothing to show but the battle scars really. Especially since I have given up documenting this trip on any type of digital media other than this you have shown yourself. Anyways, I have arrived and need to get moving. I have a long night of drinking ahead of me and I am wasting precious drops of sunlight with this worthless blog. Keep having fun with a vengeance. You owe it to yourself. Thanks for visiting, Kelly
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