Our trip to Darwin
When i woke up i had to get ready very quick because for 2 hours we were going canoeing! It was very fun, we saw a water fall. We also went to the end of the gorge!
When we got back dad made some bacon and eggs, they were very good. Then we went for a walk to see some aboriginal art it was very cool you could also see were they used to eat.
After dinner we went down to the water to see if we could see some crocodiles! But we didn't see any we only saw lots of turtles that were so close i could touch them! So we kept walking we saw fish and lots of cane toads. But on the way back we found an Olive python! It looked like it was 2 meters long! Si we went back and went to bed! =-]
- comments
Cato Yes first!!!
Cato Ahahahaha I remember in pt. wooly we just sat on the canoe in the middle of the lake just talking the whole time until mr. T got up us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
klosie igfqiwhg;rIUWR (HAHAHA spasm) dahm that carrot madi ur an onion and sophie is a stylised onion because she loves her hair and she is an onion because she make me cry hahaha get it onion they make u cry (sarcasm) NARROWFOOT WE MISS U SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH LUV YA KLOSIE
sunshine4 Yep good time
sunshine4 $:)4)7?$($.8j)7:).67;!/7jsgidbv idksb Hi kloise Luv ya more;)
sophie excuse me I AM NOT AN ONION and i dont love my hair that much *flips awesome hair*
Cato An onion?
Anonymous Whoever this " Klosie " girl is she seems mental. And who's the one with the hair obsession, batman? Hmmm............... Humans confuse me...
sunshine4 Klosie is metal and CARROTS r awesome