I started my trip about a month ago so i'll give you a quick update.
Waiting for bike to arrive so have a few daye to aquaint myself with the slighty wacky Alaskans.
Saw moose wandering around the town like they are on a shopping trip perhaps on the way to Wal Mart where if you need a Colt 45 revolver, Magnum or cute little shot gun in pink for your kid they are next to the sweety counter ...seriously. I was advised to buy pepper spray,$80.00, in case a bear decides to share my tent so I went for the cheaper arm waving ,shouting and a 'bear horn' $5.00.
Thanks to' JAMES CARGO' the bike arrived and sailed through customs like clockwork.
Met up with another guy on a bike and we travelled north to Talkeetna , a surreal little town for the annual 'Moose Dropping Festival' . Lots of teenagers not used to alcohol borrowing daddy's pick up trucks and racing on the beach but not many moose or moose droppings..!! wierd but wonderful.
Headed north again but turned off onto the Petersfield 'road'. A track to an old goldmining town which was an introduction to some serious off road riding through rivers and gorges testing my riding skills and the bike to the limit, the bike did very well....I did o.k thanks to the BMW OFF ROAD COURSE which was essential, fantastic training.(Thank you very much Simon Pavey and all of the BMW guys. The bike is a work of art)
Ended up at a wonky roadhouse in the wilderness run by an old chap been there since the goldrush. The walls are totally covered in dollar bills dating back to the 1920's as it is the custom to pin one to the wall on leaving., So I had a couple of beers removed a couple of dollars from the wall, paid the bill and left....Great place. ( Joking..I paid for my beers and stappled my dollar to the wall) Apparently the gold diggers did this in case they found no gold and needed some cash on the way back home.
Wow ..This place is mindblowingly beautiful.The most stunning scenery I've every seen.
Camped in the forest, bear horn at hand, and waited for any guests.
Next day saw wolves, eagles, moose, artic fox , some funny little things ??? (photos to follow) and mosquitoes.
Moved camp to lakeside and borrowed a canoe to experience true tranquility on a lake that defies description.,if this were England there would be a hotel complex and coach tours but I was completely alone..
Rode north to fairbanks to prepare for the mamoth ride to the top of Alaska
stayed at 'Billy Backpackers'. Lovely friendly 'hotel' highly recommended.
Changed tyre to a nobbly for off road.
Was a little nervous about this part but once I got going it was fine. The 'road' is mainly packed mud , gravel and squashed wildlife but the bike floated over it with ease.
More stunning scenery.Have now entered the real wilderness. 5 miles away from the place where the guy from 'Into The Wild' was found. Camped by the river and built my first fire...
18th..Contd Dalton H/way
Forest fires everywhere...dont remember putting out camp fire.......
Rode a little faster just to put a bit of distance between me and camp fire....and the ranger.
Crossed over the Artic circle and had a celebratery drink with some Harley guys. They had to turn back as the road gets tougher from here!!!
Anyway reached the top , damn frezzzzing stayed over in oilfield complex .refueled, turned around ,came back .
19th..Heading South..
Came back 550 dirt road miles to fairbanks non stop ( in case forest ranger looking for me)
Incredilble scenery, moose, fireweed ( a beautiful pink flower that comes out as soon as fire stops)
More fantastic little goldmining towns on the Klondyke river that haven't changed since the late 1800's...Met Ian Coates who left England on a motorbike for a 2 month holiday in 1996 and hasnt been back...he's seen his wife 6 times since tho which I think is pretty decent of him ...(Google him) makes my journey seem like a trip to the park.
it just gets more and more beautiful..point a camera anywhere and shoot.
Rode to 'Stewart' to see the glacier ,BIG, and onto Hyda where i saw my first bear,VERY BIG,chasing a salmon up the river. He refused to pose so picture a bit wobbly.
Great windy road into Whistler..bit weary so stayed at 5 star hotel, naughty but nice. They love smelly bikers !! Wow a real bed, very nice indeed.
31st ..OOOPS
Whistler has a fantastic downhill mountain bike season so just had to give it a go...I was invincible for the first hour ....then craaashh. $2000.00 hospital bill later and a broken finger and looks like I'll be in Whistler for a liittle longer than planned.
However there are worse ( and cheaper) places to chill for a while .
Anyway I am having the trip of a lifetime and Alaska and Canada have surpassed all expectations..I've met loads of lovely, weird and wonderful people and seen places that have completely moved me ..On the move again anyday. I'll keep in touch xx
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