I really don't remember much about the night bus journey back down to Toronto. I slept all the way and don't really recall changing buses - which i did twice!!! Anyway, me and my luggage made it back to Toronto; arriving at 7.30am on the morning of Wednesday 9th April! I then realised that i didn't know exactly where the hostel i was staying at in Montreal was in relation to the bus station!!! The bus to Montreal left at 9.30am so i had to quickly put my bags in a locker 9again) and run into the downtown to find the internet cafe and check in my emails for the directions!!!!! I had some emails to read too and i really wanted to start writing back to people but i didn't have the time - i would have to do that later! i did get to read one from James at work though with some good news that we had another article awesome! I didnt realise i was working so hard while i was away!! haha!
I made it to the bus station again in plenty of time. The weather was sunny and a little bit cloudy - another nice day for a bus trip! The journey was 8 hours but it did seem to go pretty fast. By the time i got to the hostel i was ready to go to bed (properly - laying down and everything!) even though it was only nearly 5pm when i got there. I went for a little walk and got some food for tea! The fresh air was much needed! The hostel was again another good choice! i was greeted by 'H' a ver enthusiastic spanish guy who was from south america and also spoke very good english (surprise surprise) and french too. The rooms were lovely, free internet, breakfast and laundry!! I will need to be taking advantage of that...all for $25 per night - i love a bargain!!!! My dorm had 6 beds but on that night only one was taken, by a girl girl called Savannah - she was from Winnipeg but had just spent a month in the Bahamas doing a Yoga course taught by tibetan monks. It sounded so interesting! Savannah was lovely and convinced me that i should stop off in Winnipeg on my way to Edmonton - that was very appealing as the bus trip would be 3 days without a break!!!! So i decided that i would stay for one night in Winnipeg too, plus i hadn't realised it was actually the geographical centre of Canada - it is slap bang in the middle! It is also not far from 'White River' - which is where Winnie the Pooh comes from - how could i not stop there???!!!!
Savannah was in Montreal because she wanted to find some work there as a yoga instructor - but about 1 hour before i arrived she had decided that she was going to go back to Winnipeg and work there. So she was leaving on the friday! It was a shame cos she was pretty cool - but as she had convinced me to stop in Winnipeg she said that she would show me around while i was there and if there was any good bands playing ewe could go see them!
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