I think its time i started using this blog properly! I have hardly written anything really, i feel i've done loads aswell! Got the bus down to Niagara falls today - the greyhoud bus! Thast just my first taste of the greyhound and it was only a short journey (2 hours). I intend to travel cross country on the greyhound which is going to take me about 3 days altogether. Anyway todays journey was just fine. Although the weather has changed again - its -17, and there are on/off blizzards, it made for an intresting journey down! My attempts to repack my backpack this morning were pitiful - i just don't have the skills of our Prue!! It took me 2 attempts - i don't think thats bad! However not everything went back in so i had more stuff to carry! Ah well! As im travelling and don't want any unneccassary expense (or is that cos im from yorkshire?!) I decided to walk from the Hostel in Toronto to the bus station - its not that far! Well actually its a mile and a half! Which is generally not a problem but with an extra 20Kg's on my back in the form of a top heavy back pack in a big old blizzard it was quite a challenging walk!! i felt like scott of the antarctic!! Oh how i love a challenge!
This hostel down at Niagara falls is not as good as the one in Toronto, its good but i guess it doesn't have the same character! I wthink i willl always be biased towards the house in Toronto!! haha! Good job im going back there! I really can't wait to go and see the falls - its been on my hitlist for such a long time - a real dream come true! Theres plenty of other things to do here aswell.
I love evreyone very much
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