Sunday morning! I still dont really know what time it is! Its a really weird feeling but i feel like the clock is stuck somehow - but then the days still seem to go fast! Anyway - im still trying to get hold of Celeste - we have just missed each other - i left her a message and she left me one! We cant go out today as the roads are so bad! Hopefully tomorrow the plan is to head up into the mountains for 2 nights - which would be great - fingers crossed! I had an Elk T-bone steak for my tea last night! Bought it at the farmers market and had to ask the guy at the stall how to cook it!! I enjoyed it! It tastes a bit like beef but is definitely different to Beef! haha!
I hate it when im sitting on the internet and someone is hovering behind me reading my page!! thats what is happening now! This isnt my favourite hostel! There are quite a few 'homeless' people here. They are not from edmonton so they are able to stay but there is one guy who just hovers! all the time! 14 days is the maximum stay here so i dont know where these people go after that but many of them seem to be keen to tell you that they are running away from terrible things! Last night when i was waiting to use the internet - one of the Homeless guys started talking to me1 Was sure to tell me how nothing was his fault and also how he had to find work as he had no money. It astounds me then how he can afford to buy weed - surely thats not the most neccessary thing to buy when you 'have no money'. A bit judgemental of me perhaps - im sure it makes his days easier and he has the rite to spend his money on what he wants. I think he just annoyed me because he couldn't understand why i didn't want to have a smoke with him! He really couldn't understand why i didn't want to and how could i possibly say no!
Most of the girls in my dorm are cool though - its funny! There is only one girl who never really seems to want to talk to the rest of us! Claire (australian girl) is quite funny though - she likes to wind people up!
The snow is still coming down pretty bad. I actually do want it stop now though so that we can go out tomorrow!!
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