The tent was large and rectangular and bedecked with colourfully cushioned, bench-like seating surrounding the centrally positioned food table, on which was salad and pitta.No wonder it's cheap I thought.The place slowly filled up and we were joined by Ahmad's driver friend (name long since forgotten) and his group, one member of whom will be forever lasered into my brain for her sheer absurd behaviour.An aged lady who must have been high on a cocktail of booze, speed, dope, coke, Prozac etc, etc, etc...she insisted on dancing in her seat in a manic hybrid Syrian, Indian, robotic fashion that had all of us in hysterics.Every time we looked at our new friend he just burst out laughing, made facial expressions that we all understood and gave us low fives.I'm laughing even now as I type this.
Then the real music and dancing started and we all sat around laughing at a girl in purple jeans hopelessly trying to master the incredibly simple two-step movement.Each time she circuited the tent and passed by our spot we looked for the tiniest hint of improvement and just burst out laughing even more when she was as hopeless as before, bumbling around like she desperately needed a pooh.Driver friend just seemed to be checking out her ass!Anyway, the real guys were amazingly agile and supple and we'll maybe post some video of their incredible move so you can see for yourself.Truly one of those nights where you had to be there but also one of those that we'll remember for a long, long time.Oh, when the bill came it was the most expensive meal we'd eaten - 1800 SP!
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