Aleppo is a busy busy city of 6 million people and we reckon there are about 12 million cars, 90% of which are yellow taxis that you can't hale for love nor money as they're all the air is so polluted!On our first night in this city that ranks up there with Bangkok and Lima for chaotic mayhem and pollution, we ventured out alone to find somewhere to eat, still desperate to experience the real Syrian dining experience...tent, carpets, cushions, shisha and sitting on the floor.Finding such a place proved less likely than the Brits adopting frogs' legs as their national dish so we ended up asking every shop keeper for a good place to eat.Again, we lucked in and were escorted by a kind soul to the famous 'Look Restaurant':Despite asking for the menu several times, and being brushed off with a hand gesturing shway shway (slowly slowly), we sat around for an eternity before being told it was a 'Look Menu'.You what?, said our perplexed faces.We were then whisked out back to the kitchen where we were literally shown what was available; we had to choose what we wanted by pointing to the contents of various bubbling urns!Maria chose vegetarian and I chose lamb.5 minutes later the food arrived and Maria's looked suspiciously like lamb casserole.'Excuse me', she said to the waiter, 'this dish is supposed to be vegetarian. No meat'.He looked at it, thought for a moment, then promptly fished out the lamb, put it on my plate and proudly pronounced 'No meat, no meat' and left!
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