Stu & Amy See The World!
6th July to 8th July 2006
I'm sure there was a reason why we didn't ever really plan on going to Uruguay, it could have been that there are far too many U's in the name of the country or something but we went there anyway on the back of a recommended extended day trip.
Colonia was a very nice little town and as the name suggests it was a former Portugese colony. We were very sad to leave Buenos Aires just becausesome of the architecture it reminded us so much of home and Eurpoe especially. It's a real bustling city with tons of energy, bars, restaurants just what we were after.
Still all good things come to an end and we borded the high speed ferry from BA to Colonia at about 6pm. An hour later we were in Colonia and our luck was in yet again as there was space at the inn (or in this case the hotel).
We immediately went out for a great meal at some pasta place overlooking the quaint little square. The waiter was even more nonkers than Stu wearing a multitude of crazy hats throughout the meal and singing stupid litle songs with plenty of "La La Laas". Amy was convinced the guy was actually a maniac depressive. Oh yeah, once more the red wine was great.
The next day we are up reasonably early and the breakfasts in Uruguay (judging on this experience) were not much better than in Argentina, just sweet croissants and coffee.
Colonia was full of little, narrow, cobbled streets with low rise lovely old buildings, one of those places that was real good for a stroll.
We take a stroll round once more trusting the Lonely Planet street map, past a nice church and all the rest that goes with cute little colonial villages. Weather's about 22 degrees and we enjoy sitting out enjoying the view of the estuary seperating BA from Colonia.
Dinner is a superb 'Menu del dia'with spaghetti and cheese (I know it doesn't sound like much!) which for the price, about 2 quid, was superb.
In the afternoon we get the bus to Montevideo with the aim of spending a night before travelling back into Rosario, Argentina.
3 hours later we are in Montevideo and it's pissing it down. Disaster strikes furthermore as we are gutted that there is no direct bus from Montevideo to Rosario for about 6 days, way too long to spend in a crap hole such as Montevideo. Decision time then and the overnight bus tomorrow to Cordoba (15hrs) wins out.
The day goes from bad to worse as we check into a dodgy hotel that we really should have walked out on from the start. The room stank so bad of smoke, the shower was pathetic and the water seemed to run towards the middle of the bathroom. Furthermore we were somehow sleeping right on top of a disco which was SO loud if felt like people were dancing in our room. We think it finished at about 3am but can't be sure, at one point I think we both nearly suffocated from the stench.
We are pleased to check out of the stinkhole and spend the morning wandering around the dingy, overcast streets of Montevideo. This is the first time in South America that we have really felt threatened by the locals as we stood out so much. Just a general feeling really but nothing more.
Not much more to say about Uruguay as we are pleased to leave having spent enough of our lives (48hrs) there.
It's thunder and lightening as we leave Montevideo with some spectacular lightening forks.
Keep the messages coming.
Lots of Love
Stu & Amy.
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