19th – 21st September 2006
The following day we catch the bus to Banos (after the standard lie in requirement for one Mr J Marriott) at midday for a whopping 4 dorrar each. The weather is pretty cloudy so we don’t get to see the volcano Cotopaxi on the way down which is a bit of a disappointment.
We arrive at the quaint little town of Banos 3 ½ hrs later and as usual we are desperate for a branston pickle (trickle) when we arrive.
Immediately we notice how badly the tourist industry has suffered after the recent eruption and Lahare, which had wiped out the road to and from Banos (thankfully now replaced, obviously).
The volcano, we can see, is still smoking slightly as we check into an almost friendly hostel run by a German guy (whom we soon find out has a terrible temper and treats the locals like sh*t). Still at least the building work currently underway won’t start until 9am as promised (yeah right!!). You would have thought we would have learned by now.
We have a walk around town which is pretty quiet and thankfully pretty small so we can settle in for a quick beer at a café run by a mad Danish woman. What is it with all the Europeans in this town? Is there something in the water that turns them all loopy?
The Danish lady persuades us to come back the following day to pick up some picnic supplies for our mountain bike trip. Amy and James think this is a fantastic idea and secretly decide that it’s Stu and Margaret (Mog) who will have to deal with the Danish fruitcake tomorrow.
In the evening we have a good meal (Stu and James have steak) which is washed down with a bottle of Red, a few beers and then once again we find ourselves supping cocktails and playing pool in a bar.
The following day we are up none too early and breakfast at the hostel. Stu and Mog head off to see the Danish nut job and half an hour later (after being talked to and sweared at in typical Jan Molby like English) we are ready to go off for a days mountain biking.
We are driven off and after our obnoxious German host dishes out abuse at the local petrol station and imitates a pack of rabid dogs we arrive at our drop off point at an altitude of 3000m ASL. We are pleased to get away from the town full of crazies.
We have a fantastic day cycling for about 5 hours around the surrounding area with fantastic views of the volcano overlooking Banos. We eventually return back to Banos at about 7pm. Along the way we stop for a fabulous lunch next to a little stream as the sun shines strongly upon us. We soon become proficient bike mechanics as Mogs' bike falls apart and we eventually put the rear wheel and gears back together. The pedal of Amys’ bike also falls off and Stus’ bike completely seizes up about half a mile from home! Still we did only pay 5 dorrars each for the bikes for the day.
In the evening we have a few beers whilst playing cards and then head out for a French meal where Stu, James and Amy have Steak once more. After dinner we head to a local bar and have a few more games of pool as well as a round of cocktails.
The following day we have a nice lazy time playing cards and just chill in the morning. In the afternoon we head up to a great viewpoint overlooking the town of Banos and shelter from a passing rain storm.
In the evening we go for a spa at the hostel, which is great fun as it’s one alternating hot/cold experience after another. The best “treatment” has to be our own little steam boxes that we climb inside and ones head is all that protrudes. We are able to adjust the heat inside so naturally Stu and James have theirs really hot and begin sweating profusely.
Afterwards we head out for a good Pizza/Pasta meal and we have an early start in the morning so, feeling pretty tired, we hit the sack.
Tomorrow we are off to Tena where Stu is hoping to persuade Amy to go white water rafting and we then have a few days booked at a jungle retreat.
We should have a great time,
Lots of Love
Stu & Amy.- comments