I was planning to stay in Coral Bay until the next bus turned up - a few days. But it turned out that i loved the place so much and enjoyed the company of the people I was with so much that I stayed longer than I planned. This meant not catching up with the irish girls, who had left the first morning in Coral Bay, in Exmouth, but I wasn't even sure if they would have stayed there and therefore been on the same bus. So I'd have to catch up with Sabrina, the nice and sensible girl and Anna-Marie, the girl that enjoys falling off the top bunk in her sleep in Broome!
Aside from being a beautiful place, it was also quite nice to hear some recent music for a change. The hostel in Coral Bay played the recent hits on the music channel and it's amazing how much you miss the littel things when you are travelling up through quite remote areas. Sure there is internet, but it is quite expensive and you tend not to spend too long on the computer. Imagine, what it would have been like backpacking 20 years ago, I thought? When I look back and think of Coral Bay I will think of the Calvin Harris/Dizzee Rascal song which was the big song at the time. That and 'My Happiness" the anthem of our small group " The Coral Bay massive" consisting of five of us from the Easyride bus (Will, Jenna, katy, Shari & I) and four guys travelling up in a camper van, of which Will knew one of them from Perth ( Caylee, Emma, Whalish & Glenn). Coral Bay wasn't really known for it's nightlife but we made our own with regular trips to the beach to watch the beautiful north western sunset, nights in the only pub in Coral bay watching the live music and nights seeing in the next day down at the beach, with a few drinks of-course. Some of the photos on facebook certainly tell their own story anyhow as to some of the great nights we had.
Our regular trips to the beach at sunset were definitely one of the highlights of the Coral Bay experience. It really is quite breathtaking how good it can be to watch the sunset in such a beautiful place. Another highlight was walking down to Bateman Bay to see the reef sharks in the Shark Nursery. Although it was quite difficult to get a good view of the sharks, it was still fantastic to see sharks that close up in the ocean. A lot of time was also spent during the day at the beach. The beach itself is absolutely beautiful and relatively untouched. An ideal place to relax during the day. Clear blue skies, beautiful weather, scenic beach - what more could you ask for?!
On our final night in Coral Bay, we had a fantastic fish BBQ, caught and cooked by the fish catchers extraordinaire Andrew (Whalish) & Glenn, who had been out fishing earlier in the day to catch the fish. It was a perfect end to an absolutley brilliant week in Coral Bay - one that will never be forgotten!
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