You will see by the extended time between blogs we am not very regular with our entries. Well going back to where we left off, Australia Day has come and gone and many other things have happened. But Australia Day first.
We decided to entertain the few friends we had encountered so far in Canada to an Australia Day bar-be-que, all be it, in the evening to accomodate our guests work, school etc (no Aussie Day holiday here!). Attendees were Larry and Marlene, Catherines son Earl and Earls father Rick. On the menu was bar-be-qued lamb chops and sausages, roast vegie salad and green salad, and of course pav all washed down with a good splash of beer and wine. I think everyone enjoyed themselves as we did, and a fun night was had.
It was a bit different experience for us as we are not usually cooking a bar-be-que on Australia Day in minus degrees C and with snow falling but it was a challenge we accepted. Believe me with the hood up on the bar-be-que the temperature was very hard to control and things just seemed to stop cooking. But with beer in one hand. Aussie flag in the other and a hoody on we overcame the difficulties and managed to cook the meat to perfection (even if I do say so myself!).
Rowie cooked the pav to her usual high standards and it was also enjoyed by everone. Donna's roast vegie salad was something they hadn't encountered before and was a hit, well I liked it anyway, maybe it was a bit outside the Canadian comfort zone.
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