Trekking Terra Firma
About Stephen
At long last I finally have my credit card back! I feel I can do things again now, which is both great and a little risky. The temptation to spend money now is much greater than what it was when it wasn't technically my money I was spending. I say this because I have just bought a flight ticket to Hong Kong for pretty much 3 times the price…
Welcome all.
Perhaps to put the minds of family and friends at rest, or perhaps to just show off a little bit, I have decided to write a blog of my impending travels. I don't intend this to be anything preachy or whiney about some of the injustices I'm sure I am about to see. Instead, I'd rather not be the one to make harsh judgements on a world I largely have no idea about. Granted, I may be a whiz kid when it comes to pointing out countries on a map but other than that I have no m…
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Bangkok, Thailand
At long last I finally have my credit card back! I feel I can do things again now, which is both great and a little risky. The temptation to spend money now is much greater than what it was wh…
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krissie The most ignorant, horrendous snobby people I ever ran into were in phnom penh in my hostel and were not only english, they lived in the same town as me at the time! I felt very ashamed!! Shame about the scaffolding, we walked around angkor watt instead of getting tuk tuks-was bloody exhausted by the end!! Bangkok is crazy but awesome, i hated it first time round but loved it on my way back so dont be put off there's an amazing market you should visit too!xxx
re: Phnom Penh, CambodiaPerson Now I know what Phnom Penh is! A place in cambodia, Gee whiz, Vice city sure confused me with that.
re: Phnom Penh, CambodiaSeamus Hmm... which one is Dawsy?
re: photo from 29 May 2010Moam I envy you boy! Glad to see you enjoying yourself though :)
re: Periyar, Indiadavidbailey great to here your making friends with the natives pity u couldnt get a foto of you & your mate on a 18" matress g dad
re: Goa, IndiaFrances I cannot actually describe how jealous I am of you right now Dawson! Glad you're having fun though matey, stay safe xx
re: Mangalore, Indiaphil i've heard those new cow trains are pretty good...?
re: photo fromphil this is baffling, it's like crazy stairs. the more i look at it the more i can't work it out!
re: photo fromSeamus Oh you poor thing. It must be terrible for you. ¬_¬
re: Mangalore, IndiaWakers Lovely blog there Stevey, wish I was in your shoes! Brilliant pictures, can't wait to hear more! =D
re: Mumbai, IndiaLee So.... What about Moam's sock?
re: Mumbai, IndiaMaggles possibly the gayest thing ive ever read xD naaaa only kidding with ya, sounds great! keep up the good work stevo xx
re: Mumbai, IndiaNatalie You left your wallet on the back of a what!!! God you'll have my nerves shattered. Im guessing you have it back!! Sounds amazing anyway and you've only just started! Excited much?! ;) x x x
re: Mumbai, IndiaSeamus I'm glad to see the thumb's up system being used in your blogs. Nicely done. Also, I want to hear more about the Canadian lady. Was she fit? Would she get it?
re: Mumbai, India