stevo and fi round the world
Well exams have all finished, and bar the Lecturers strike graduation is on the 30th of June, fingers crossed. Last injection was on Monday the 22nd (11 in all). Stress has lifted a bit after the exams so just trying to get jobs now to get money together. Back home for the weekend first trip home since the start of the exams so great to see everyone, and finially celebrate my birthday. Fiona has a job in Kpmg for the summer and I think i'm in line for a call centre job which would be great, money is really tight but the journey continues. selling stuff on ebay and everything but hopefully we'll hit our £8,000 target by August between us, doubt it though, so might have to resort to uncle Joes bush craft survival techniques. Whole clan is coming over for graduation so they'll be able to move my stuff home, going home with them for july to spend a bit of time with them before we head on the 1st of August, but all depends on how much money I make before then. Fiona is staying at mine at the mo so the room has turned into a mix between Che's military world plan and sex in the city, but spirits are high and Fiona is keeping the place spotless which is a bit of the shock to my system I have to admit. Also got a card reader for the camera so photos will be uploaded soon. Hope everyone is well and keep in touch.
P.S. Anyone who wishes to donate to the stevoandfi world trip appeal feel free.
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