Hi Steph, this Kristin's cousin Debbie. I wanted to say thank you for being such a good travel partner for Kristin. You sound like a truly wonderful, helpful,giving person, and friend. I'm glad you were the one with her. I hope the rest of your stay in Istanbul is fun and safe. Your adventures sounded so amazing. You must be exhausted! Hope to meet you someday soon. Love Debbie and Mike
Cindy Widmer
Steph and Kristian, So glad you are having great adventures. We love keeping up with you through the blog and pictures. Be safe, Tim and Cindy
Marty Troyer
We think of you so often and I was thrilled to get this news of your travels. You certainly will have stories to tell and we'd love to hear them all! Loved the pics of the meal dishes and food market and of course the kids in Africa. Happy travels and memories.
hey great to see a bit of where you have been...can you remind me again about the time you will be here... i may need to do a visa run and just am curiouse! I don't want to have to leave in the middle of your time.... and i can't wait for you to join me here for a bit! have fun!!!
Wow Steph what an experience! I can't wait to see pictures! Miss you -Meg
I can't wait to hear more about it all. I think about you guys all the time. Have you seen an lions, zebras, or crazy wildlife yet?? You need to post some pictures!
I love you guys! Rock on-
Trent Sheetrs
Steph, Sounds like an eye opening experience! Stay safe and healthy. Trent
Steph, i live to read your blogs! I think i am trying to live vicariously through you. :) The children sound amazing, I'm sure they love you. Stay safe and have fun. Love you-Kim
Hi Steph! O forwarded me your blog. I loved reading about your experiences already. Can't wait to see some pictures. We miss you! Take Care and stay safe! Tammy
Hey Steph! Glad to have gotten your e-mail ... your blog entry today made me tear up! It's so sad that we have "everything" and still aren't happy but these poor kids have nothing and are happy! I'm sure they appreciate everything you do for them! Take care! O
Awww...Steph!! I miss you so much already. I can't wait to hear about all your fun times. Be safe! Love, Trish