Stephen's China Gap Year
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Beijing, China

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Xi'an, China

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Xi'an, China

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Fukang, China
Kath Brilliant! And to think you were dreading that looking forward to my Fu ang to Shanghai voyage......
re: Beijing, ChinaTheo Nickols So civilized, haha massive contrast to trains in India, what are the prices for train tickets in China?
re: The Dining CartBarbara Rowland Yet another interesting blog-and the best title yet. You will probably never look at a cucumber again without thinking of that "banquet"!
re: Suits and FruitsBarbara Rowland I have always been fascinated with this place. So glad you got to go!
re: Me And The Armyjulia harris Hey Stephen. Julia, Jesse's mum a regular guest at centre barks(daft chocolate lab who bashes a tin dish around when he's there) here. Found your blog after directions from your Mum. Totally different world, sounds amazing. What age are the kids you teach? think its a great idea you using music in your lessons with them too. Not sure how easy it is for you to post pics, but would be interested to see any. Well done and have fun.
re: Tulufan: Turbines, Basements and VelociraptorsKath Interesting trip, although before you criticise Chinese tourists remember Vindolanda does have a rebuilt roman fort and animatronic Romans.....and a large amount of plastic Roman gifts which are undoubtedly made in china!
re: Tulufan: Turbines, Basements and VelociraptorsNorman Hopkins Great entry Stephen! I am Thoroughly enjoying reading about your adventures and your observations. Keep it up when you have time.
re: I Came to China and All I Found Was AfricaJames Sounds like you're having an amazing time! Great blog posts it's good to hear you're injecting some fun into the school kids, it sounds like theyre on a complete treadmill otherwise. Nothing new here, all very boring. Keep enjoying it time will fly! James
re: I Came to China and All I Found Was AfricaSheena I live the fact that you are "looking to buy a pan" opposed to say a car. Love that you are enjoying yourself. Sheenax
re: Fukang; The Travellers City- last visited

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Jen ahaha hilarious
Kath Brilliant! And to think you were dreading that looking forward to my Fu ang to Shanghai voyage......
Sheena can't wait for the return journey!!!!