I actually gained a day receaching Los Angeles. Crossing the International Date line I reached america one hour before I left fiji...weird! I used my new found time exploring the urban sprawl of Los Angeles. I meet a Austrain bloke named roland who was interested in walking down hollywood bollevard, so i joined him.
I got loads of pictures of the hollywood stars. We also got hoodwinked into taking part in the audience of a late night TV show. It was free so Roland and I thought why not? It turned out to be really funny, the show was called the Craig Fergeson TV Show and it seems the audience was full of misguided tourists and die hard fans. We had to laugh on comand and the stage hand rewarded our obedience with free tv shirts and goodies. Saw Hugh Lorrie interviewed which was cool.
Later on in the Orbit Hostel I Meet a chap named Spencer from pontypool. Spencer had been to the same tv show audience. More amazing was that he new Tristan Jones once of my friends from cardiff university. Small world!
Spent aday at Univeral studio's being a big kid, the mummy ride was my favourate. Also did trek 4D, terminator 3D, waterworld stunt studio, jurassic park waterslide etc...
Next stop San Francisco
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