Andy Murray also won in Qatar and is now having to play down the tag of favourite for the Aussie Open. Still jealous that you'll get to see that live!
Great to see your photos, looks wonderful. Our trip to Eastbourne with Roy and Edwina not quite on your scale but lovely all the same. Didn't see a single zimmer frame but checked out the nursing homes! Must be a huge garden that wall surrounds. Hope your muscles have recovered. Look forward to seeing more photos of your incredible journey. Take care.
Liz x
Kate and I decided that we needed an international trip too - so we are doing a spot of housewarming in Cardiff! Arrived quite late - will speak to Lyn and Cath tomorrow. House seems fine, if chilly to begin with. No-one else has mentioned it, but it has been very cold here - schools up in the valleys closed because the water pipes are frozen, etc. Bristol docks frozen over. Hospitals overflowing - you are well out of it. Heating is working; as is kettle and TV, so we are happy!
enjoyed loking at the pictutes while we sat in a pub in eastbourne with Liz and Paul! We had a good few days with cold sunny weather ,a nice relaxing break...Reading 4 Watford0 thought you may like to know! Look forward to the next lot of photos. Take care
Love Mum And Dad x x
Hi Heroes!
waw some nice pictures!!! Looks like you are having a good time!
It was very quiet at the office this week.... wonder why?!
Take care and enjoy!
Stephen And Anna
We're having issues with the blog - please bear with us. Sometimes it lets us login to update things, other times not.
We'll keep trying, but please forgive photos that are the wrong way up and the lack of blog posts.
Please keep visiting!!
S&A xx
FYI - from a reliable news website
China's central bank has issued a warning about fake bank notes ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday.
The bank said 100-yuan notes bearing the "HD90" serial number have been reported in 10 provinces. They have also been found in Hong Kong.
I don't blame Anna for not liking the suspension bridge! Still, it could have been worse - at least there weren't any arrow-shooting, sword-wielding cannibals at either end...
Hope you are having a good time you two! Did you get the washing dry, and did you turn the tumble dryer off before you left........?!
Hope you got my email with our news!
Ian and Gill, and now Ella too! xxx
Hello the Burgeeees!
What a good idea the blog is!! How cold is Beijing?!! Take your thermals to the great Wall and be sure to spend some time cycling the old part of the city. Melbourne is heating up finally so you should be able to thaw out here
Enjoy the rest of your China adventure and I'll see you in a couple of weeks!
Rach xx
Hello both!
Looks like you're having a great time, I'm jealous already and you've hardly even started yet! Looking forward to seeing more photos as you move on!
Stephen - I'll make sure your boxes aren't left behind in the move!
Love the photos. Did you see the stone drums in the Forbidden City ? See you couldn't find a KitKat for the pandas either !