Steph and Stevens travels!
Hi again! We survived the overnight train - it wasn't as bad as expected but not the best night we have ever had! Steph felt like she was in the army! There was a 'party' carriage but all it was was a few tables and some coloured lights! No music because the speakers didn't work. We arrived in Khao Sok and had scrambled eggs fo breakfast :) before jumping in the back of a truck to take us to our resort. We went for a swim in the river where there was a rope to swing off the rocks into the water. That afternoon we went tubing (sitting in a tyre) down the river from the mountains which was quite hard work as the river was quite low and we often scraped our bums on the rapids! It took 2 hours to get down! Had a ham and cheese toastie and chips for tea (steven had two!)
The next day was our elephant ride which was really good fun! The route was up to a waterfall and back. We both started off on the seat on its back which was scary enough as you felt like you were going to fall off especially when going downhill but then we each got a turn sitting on his neck, Steph on the way there and steven on the way back. He had lots of spikey hair! We do have photos of this but not on the digital camera. When we got back we each bought a bunch of bananas to feed him. We didn't know his name so we have called him Edmond after Noel Edmonds. Later that day we went for a guided walk through the jungle to a small temple in a cave where there was holy water down a dark, slippery, muddy hole! It was outside this cave that we saw lots of monkeys very close up!
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