why oh why was i ever allowed a passport????
in Hervey bay today also known as hicksville and middleofnowheres town! jumped on the bus here from Brisbane today and have just had a bit of a wander round the 'town' not particularly impressed seems as though theres absolutely nothing to do! which is ok i guess cos we head off to Fraser Island tomorrow in jeeps and prepare to pitch our own tents and camp pout in the wilderness i think this is gonna be a very funny few days!!!!!
didn't really see much of Brisbane yesterday although Amber and I did end up in a gay club having pole dancing lessons last night which was bizarre but thoroughly amusing to say the least - I was shameful rubbish and gave up quite soon after starting Amb however seems to have an unexploited talent for girating around a pole!!!! at least we can exploity it if we get short of money over the next few weeks!!! made friends with a lovely little gay man and just sat there giggling at Amber for most of the evening!!! yes mum and dad - i was in a 'gay' bar and there were gay people and everything!!!!!! lol. Generally a classic evening but i think that might be one to skip when i tell my grandkids about my great adventure!!
the hostel here is pretty nice though is like an old Queenslander house with all the wood panels and stuff its really quaint although from what i have seen most of the staff seem to have spent far too much time in the sun and are a little bit lala but hey i can hardly talk!
love y'all loads and miss you oodles
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