Well I went to get Ste from the airport I was really nervous about getting there and seeing him for the first time in 3 months I'm sure he felt the same! With my sister winding me up the few hours before it didn't make for a pleasant time. I set off with plenty of time behind me! Because it was a domestic flight (he flew to Sydney and then to Perth) he didn't have to do any customs at all so I could literally be at the gate... Well that was the plan!!! Not what happened!!
I got there miles ahead of time and nervously waited at the gate, I saw the plane touch down and waited patiently for people to come through, I waited until the last person had come through the gates and then started to panic!! I literally ran out of the airport and as fast as I could to the next terminal, burst through the doors to see ste sitting there looking worried! Thank god!! The worst airport pick up ever! I totally messed it up!!
So after that everything else was pretty smooth! We went straight to our hotel in Scarborough which is a nice seaside town, beautiful. Ste had the left over pizza from mine and Chrissy's tea (he hasn't lost his appetite) so we didn't need any food! We had a few drinks in the room and enjoyed the luxury of our own bathroom, tv and aircon (the aircon sounded like a bloody generator so we turned it off pretty quick). It was great to catch up! We had loads to boast about and stes travels sound amazing pretty jealous, though I can't complain!! Next day Ste woke up about half 5 he says it's because he slept so much on the plane, I believe it's due to jetlag (Ste doesn't believe in jetlag. We have an ongoing disagreement about it lol) so we got up pretty early and went down to the beach to watch the surfers there pretty good!! We stayed until it was too hot and then went for a drive to Hillarys Boat Harbour we stopped for fish and chips. I think Ste was in heaven it was defiantly a hit!
That night we had a picnic on the beach and watched the sunset go down it was pretty nice, well stunning all different colours! Ste was turning his head round every two mins though because he was watching some kids playing footy (as in Australian footy)
Saturday we got up and headed towards Chrissy's we went for lunch together at a burger bar I had a great burger which came with horseradish source and Ste got a kangaroo burger yum yum!! It was well tasty!! We went out that evening for tea and a night out in northbridge in Perth. It was a great meal although I did have Thai which I said I wouldn't eat for months! It was tasty though!! We then went to a nightclub, it was pretty big they had a bar that played normal music then a club that played dance music and the top floor was a live band and r&b! Was a great mix and Ste enjoyed the fact that they had new music! And I loved dancing as per usual!!
Next morning/afternoon me, Ste and Chrissy were total useless for anything, we had booked tickets for the AFL game that afternoon but were really unorganised! We were also getting mum and Geoff from the airport that afternoon! We didn't realise that their flight landed at the last half of the game! Ooh well! We managed to get to the game eventually! It was the Fremantle Dockers vs the North Melbourne Kangaroos! It was a really good atmosphere lots of familys which was nice as there wasn't any cursing or really aggressive behaviour at all (bar on the pitch!!) we really enjoyed what we got to see! And loved the half time events! Basically they pick youth teams from around WA to play during half time! They were really cute (Ste thought some of then were rubbish but admired a little girl that was playing that could throw better than the boys! Lol!) Dockers also had a really funny mascot, he was a huge human with alot of swagger he walked with a limp and did backflips off the stands! He also kept moving the goal posts on the kids games an he even ran off with one of them pretty funny. (think it was meant to entertain the kids but me and Ste thought he was great!!) after the second quarter Dockers were winning and we had to leave in the third to go pick mother up from the airport! (for you that are interested Dockers won)
We managed to get to the airport in plenty of time (me being paranoid about messing up the airport pickups!) they arrived and we met them right at the door! No crying or over dramatics me and Chrissy don't roll thy way!! But it was exciting anyway! (I was glad to hear mum complimenting my tan) so we set off to freemantle in the batmobile (or the rubbish falcon) to freemantle were we would be staying for the next few days. Chrissy had picked the apartment and I have to hand it to her it was pretty nice! (well nice) it was a two tier apartment pretty much open plan but beautiful decorated with wooden beams ect! Me and Ste had a pull out couch mum and Geoff had the bedroom upstairs. Chrissy slept on the floor the first night so we could have a look round together the next day!
In the morning we went for a walk round Freemantle had a coffee, went to the look out and then went to the beach at cottesloe Ste and Geoff had a swim whilst me chrissy and mum chilled in the sun. Later we drove to Chrissy's for mum an Geoff to inspect Chrissy's living conditions (not bad) and pick up Chrissy's stuff so she could stayover again and have tea with us! I had started not feeling great my throat was pretty sore and just felt a bit run down (I soldiered on without to much moaning)! Mum and Geoff went to the travel agents to book some tours for the coming weeks whilst me and Ste were going to be camping and chrissy was in work! Me and Ste headed to the chemist to buy medication for our various problems!! (including limping, blisters, coughs, colds, and sore throats!) Mum, Geoff and Chrissy organised food and me and Ste tried to look after our injuries!!
Me an Ste were glad to have an early night and so were mum and Geoff suffering with mild jetlag.
In the morning on tuesday we pottered around in the morning and then decided to go to caversham park, it's sort of a zoo with kangaroos, kolas and lots other native creatures!! I was excited about the prospect of stroking a kangaroo and touching a kola bear!! The kolas were so cute and always looked so content with sleeping, but we were lucky enough to see one that was awake (I think they sleep something stupid like 18hours a day) they have no sleep pattern they just eat when their hungry! They won't eat any leaves that have been touched by someone else so you had to be careful not to touch anything. (I was pretty tempted to touch loads to see the zoo keepers reaction, but for the good of the bears I resisted!!) Me and Ste were flagging at this point him with his gammy foot and me with cold ect we were glad to get to the last spot kangaroos! Mum was really excited and insisted in me taking plenty of photos with her and the Roos to show the kids at the nursery when she got back!! They were a bit weird, they only way I can think to describe it as is they look really old and tired! Sort of like a crawling old person (yes that's a rubbish way of describing it but that's what comes to mind) they would be cowdly crouching down with there mini hands not far from the floor and there feet slowly dragging behind, they would slowly approach you sort of nervously to see if you had food! Bizarre! Then there would be a totally contrast if they were bouncing looking full of energy and with ease they would move pretty far at a fast pace! If they got to you when you had food they would hold onto your hand with there paws and nibble away licking the leftovers, they were sort of like dogs! I really enjoyed it!! That night we stayed in and had a bit of wine but I was starting to feel pretty awful and Ste's gammy foot was getting worse so we decided on going to a doctor the next day.
Mum and Geoff were up early to go to a wine tour on swan river it sounded pretty nice and I was jealous that we couldn't afford it!! But we got up at a reasonably time and headed into Perth sorted out stes foot but that was a ban from the sea for Ste (the doctor said it would make it worse) he was gutted as we were going camping in a couple of days, but we were both glad to have it sorted! We then arranged to meet up with an old friend from school who was out and about it Perth working. We met him at the park by Chrissy's house and it was nice to catch up. We went for food and a drink and enjoyed some info about good places to visit in the future. We got back in time to meet mum and Geoff who had Obv drank quite a bit through the day and then had met Chrissy for food after she had finished work.
We headed to bed nice and early again!
We decided to go on a cycle trip for the day (Ste's foot was ok on the peddles and I was dosed up on paracetamol and throat sweets so didn't feel to bad) we picked a route that went across the front of the city and through kings park which is pretty big and had some great views of the city. Me and Ste meg'd it! With a slight bit of competitiveness! It was the first time on a bike since my sponsored bike ride on September for jennys charity The Neuro Muscular Centre so I was keen to test my recover rate. Not as ba as I ha thought it would be and I actually enjoyed it! Much more than the sponsored bike ride as it was much more of a pleasant ride not so back breaking!! We had dinner at a cafe in the park I had a great steak sandwich!! Yum!!!! Then we headed to ten view point of Perth had some photos and a rest! Most of the cycle back was down hill much easier but the paracetamol had started to wear off so I was a bit grogy. We decided to meet Chrissy after work at a bar called the lucky shag, whilst having a drink I asked mum to look at my throat (thats what are mum's for) she said it was really swollen and my tonsils were bright red with White spots! Not good!! So as soon as we got back to our new apartment (we had moved to a new place) I gargled with salt water and felt sorry for myself! Chrissy had finished for Easter and wanted to celebrate by going for a meal so we went to a pizza restaurant which was BYO and took the champagne that she had won from work! It was nice (apart from the waitress thought I was a minor - everyone found it funny bar me) had loads of food left over so me and Ste took it home for tea the next day!
The last day in Fremantle Mum and Geoff got the train to Cotteslow to sun it up and me and Ste tried to find some camping gear to no avail!! Everywhere in Perth is closed on good Friday! Like everywhere!! Pretty annoying! So we decided we might have more luck going the next day (which was annoying because we wanted to head of early)
We packed everything the night before we went away sonwe just had to have breaky and get to the shops! Mum and Geoff were defo in holiday mode and got up late, and rushed around trying not to make us to late. Me and Ste then did the awful job of reversing our poops car out of the tiniest parking space ever! (it's that small we broke the wing mirror, side light and added a few scratches whilst Geoff climbed on the bonnet giving directions on trying to fit it in!)
We dropped mum and Geoff off at Chrissy's and said goodbye (again no tears that's not the way we roll) and headed off in search for camping gear! It was tedious to say the least. We knew we had a tent, a table, a coolbox (esky) two chairs and a few bits but we wanted a cooker and gas and some other stuff to make it more comfy. Once again as it was Easter pretty much everywhere was closed to we managed to find a DIY place called bunnings (like b&q) and after a load of hassle got a cooker and gas bottle plus a few other bits (mallet, tarpoline, pegs, ect)
We drove to a place called quinns rock, it was a costal town and the campsite was right on the beach with beautiful views (not that we had them - we were right in the middle of the site on a none electricity site) we made our camp up! After opening the tent we had we were pretty un-optimistic on it's suitability. Ste layer down in it and his feet stuck out the other side lol, but we decided to give it a try!
In the middle of the night I was fed up! Ste was half over my side so I had no space and the condensation was making me wet so I got my stuff and slept in the car!! This is what we did for the next few days! The car was on but not the comfiest place in the world! We had a nice few days at the beach, beautiful sunsets, Bbqs on the beach and we went for a swim on the last day (when stes foot was better) it was pretty rough and at one point I got swept under and pushed right onto the beach by a wave! I had sand everywhere lol! (when I went the toilet a pile of sand landed on the floor from my bikini!) we also made a trip to one of the local national parks called Yanchep we walked around the so called lake (there was no water in it, it dried up because of the lack of rainfall) and then had a picnic. A really beautiful day and we went kola spotting in the reserve that they have. We also went to look at the canyon (it was tiny) and I spotted some wild kangaroos so got some great photos!!
After quinns rock we wet back to Perth to find a job! We knew it might take a while so we agreed sleeping in the car would do! We travelled to the agency for backpackers really early at got there spot on 9 which was early apparently! It opened at 10 so we went for breaky, only to come back at 10 with a huge que of people waiting we were gutted!!
Turns out it made no difference as they had no jobs anyway! So we were pretty disheartened and went to an Internet cafe to look there. We found another agency in Perth, walked in signed up and within half an hour we had a job that started on Monday!! Not bad going really!! We were so excited and as a treat we bought pillows and a foam mattress for the car!!
All the rest is a story from mine and Ste's opinion so we have decided to write a blog together!! I will let you know the site as soon as we have started it xx thanks for reading xoxo
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