Hello! How are you? Thought we'd look up your blog and see your latest adventure. We are in Sydney town, with our daughters and their families. Will be staying for a couple more days. Hope your travels are continuing to go well.
Cheers Mick and Jenny x
hello my name is prem i am from nepal asia country i am trekking guide
if you are intrested come to nepal please let me know here is my detail
hey guys...love the diving pics! Looks like you were in Finding Nemo!
The house and the cats are doing awesome and you'll be happy to know that it's freezing cold here so you're not missing a THING!
Be safe and have fun!!!
Beautiful pictures but we are missing the amazing, witty BLOG entries to tell the story of the AMAZING pictures, come on Sue,take a little time and work your magic, looking forward to reading the next BLOG ENTRY.
Team Watson(s)
Team Safari,
You guys look like you are having the experience of a life time!! Sue your blog, cracks me up!!You guys are missed so much over here so hurry up and get back here!!
Travel safe!
Patricia Kent (Mom)
Hi Susan and Stef,
I check this site every day for new postings and new pictures.The scenery is amazingly beautiful. A belated happy anniversary. How I wish I could have been there to help you celebrate.
Love to both
Alison Norris
Happy Birthday!!!
I just finished reading your most recent (February) entry so maybe you won't get this ... but oh well, thinking of you guys and hoping you have a good one! Talk to you soon.
Happy '30' Birthday Sue, have a good one,not sure if you will get this on your birthday as you never seem to update the bloody site!!!!Ha.
Nice to see you both on Friday night. Looks like you are both struggling with the beautiful weather and the endless resting and from missing work so much too. Keep going and update the blog when you get a chance please.
Patrick & Bernetta
Finally found the blog - the link in your email did not work.
Great pictures and we enjoy the writing. Keep it up. Good for you Sharon - to remind them to share something of the trip.
Update the blooming site TEAM SAFARI, not good enough guessing what you have been up to the last 11 days (ha), you will have forgotten what you got up to.
Hi Guys,
just been reading about very bad weather in Queensland and Brisbane, heavy rain. Watch the weather forecast on your travells and take care.