Nullarbor (February 20th - 21st)
Nullas Arbor meaning "no trees"…no trees my arse the bloody place is covered in them, we should start a logging company! As may be obvious by our first comment, the Nullarbor is a surprise. After being built up by everybody we've come across as a great expanse of nothingness and boredom, we were pleasantly surprised to find that the scenery in the Nullarbor changed often and dramatically. Obviously the people we had spoken to had not be up north in WA. The first night on the Nullarbor we stopped at a lovely 4 star rest stop for some free camping where we were treated to a burning red sunset over the broccoli trees, as we call them..beautiful. As always when we get near wilderness, stef set about collecting wood for a fire while I swept the hut. We got through the first night without stef burning down the Nullarbor thanks inb art to the torrent of flies which keep us huddled like refugees in the caravan and prevented us from lighting a fire.
The following morning we were off lightening. We planned to drive about 700km to our next stop on the Nullarbor. We were treated to some lovely scenery along the way including an impressive vista as we descended rapidly to near sea level at the Madura Pass.We eventually stopped at lovely spot called Bunda Bluff for the night (see blog photo), where we listened to the sound of the ocean crashing against the 100m high cliffs on which we perched as we ate dinner. It was magical and we got out to gaze at the milky way and listen to the gentle breeze. Then we were happily off to bed…until some crazy hippies drove into our spot after midnight and had stef perched on the edge of the bed, holding a kitchen knife waiting from them to break in. Turns out they were not the rare violent type of hippies, just the more common forgetful type that left their headlights on while they smoked a joint. Hmm I think we still need to get comfortable with the free camping idea.
Cheers from the Nullarbor (or as we'd like to call it the arbor garden),
Team Safari
- comments
James K Sounds like a blast - as suspected! I have to say your blog is ace - just read them this lunchtime while stuffing my face with some lame roll, it had me laughing out loud. Keep em coming Team Safari!