Me and Stephen have been working pruning the vineyards for 3 and a half weeks now. It's safe to say this is the most boring job I have ever had! I spend most of the time wanting to bash my head against my sharp snips and see if I can get a day off, but knowing that this job is our ticket out of here I need everyday of work I can get!! There are some up points! We finish early on a Friday, were working with great people and there are some bogans working there too!! (a bogan from what I gather is kind of country bumpkin, never left there village type of person and a bit chavy). There is one guy Bruce (yes he's the stereo type Australian country man) he has long hair that creeps down his back a beard that hasn't been trimmed in years and a face that is so rough I have have only dared to look at it twice!! He comes out with the most ridiculous sayings and stories which does make the day entertaining especially as his accent is so strong! He actually talks about sheilas!
Quotes from Bruce -
Bruce -"You know Sam"
Damien - "oh yeah I know Sam"
Bruce - "did you know he's a clown?" "yeah he actually trained to be a clown"
Damien - "I didn't know that"
Bruce - "he's dead you know" "he was driving one day and a hay truck was in front and one of the bales rolled off the back and squished him"
Bruce - "when I worked at the tip I found the ring from lord of the rings"
Bruce - "did I tell you when I worked at the tip I found the ring from Harry potter?"
Bruce - "hey don't get close to kangaroos there instinct is to disembowel you if you get close"
That's just a few but there is tonnes everyday!! Always stuff to gossip about.
The hostel we are staying in is basically a pretty small 3 bedroom house. There is currently 12 of us living here sharing 1 toilet, 1 shower and the tiniest kitchen you could imagine! But we all get on well!
We share a room with an Irish guy called Michael (we have the same opinion about getting up at half 5 - leave it as late as possible) and a german girl called Jenny.
There are two English guys from near Manchester, three italians guys, one guy from japan, one French boxer, and a Scottish lad. A pretty male house but they are all very lovely!
That's all that's happened for now xx speak to you soon
Steph x
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