Terry May 25, 2011 Do you guy know when you are planning on being back in Calgary? I was talking to Jolene and we are confused?
Gloria Bradley May 18, 2011 What! Winding your way home already. Boy time flies when you are having fun. Miss you very much. Your Favorite Sister?
Ken May 18, 2011 allright was jaws on the lh of pic or rh on pic?and which one was donkey lol.wish i was there sniff sniff tear tear.
Julia May 16, 2011 Wow....trailer trash in California is pretty high falutin compared to the 17th ave trailer park here. Awesome pool and greenery. Good find.
Terry May 15, 2011 I forgot to mention, the leaves are coming out on the tress and it is starting to finally look like spring around here! Yaaaayyyy!
Terry May 15, 2011 Looks like my kind of campground! Nice! Have fun in Anaheim and say hi to Mickey Mouse for me!
Julia May 13, 2011 Wow! That's quite the scare doo Paul. Keep on growing it. We wanna see it in a ponytail.
Terry May 12, 2011 Nice pics! Must admit, I am tiny bit jealous.... The sun is shining here too - enough to bring out the lovely yellow flowers everywhere AKA dandelions!
Terry May 10, 2011 Hello all! Nothing much to say, but thought I would just check in. Hope all is going well!