You still have no idea how jealous I am of you being in Fiji! you best be living it up for me! I have seen some pictures it looks to die for.
Anyway it is only one week until I jet off to Spain for Benicassim festival. I am so excited!! hopefully I will be as tanned as I was last year, which I am praying that was not some sort of one of miracle...
Anyway still loving the old meat... infact i have probably digested enough cows to had mad cows disease but until i get my results back there is now real way to tell...
Anyway, still miss you like mad! give my love to Matt, Carol (ann!!) and Mark. Enjoy yourselves.
Hello girls. It was good to talk to you yesterday. Andy Murray won by the way, in 5 sets. Hope your flight was OK. Dad's in Slough this week - hopefully for the last time so he will be in a jolly mood on Friday if you can ring us then. Take care. Love Mum xxx
Mick And Sue
Hi LCM and Mark - what a time you're all having - ever thought of career changes into Tourism, Travel and Leisure as your descriptions make you feel as were're almost there with you (bet you're glad we're not!!!!) - need your advice on where we should go (or not) next year. Can't wait for photos and too see you - take care xxx
Hello! Hows it all going?! Sorry i havnt left a mesage in a bit been v busy! Still well jealous! is it all amazing or does it all just seem normal? as if! is it hot? raining loads over here is crap! so what exciting things have u been doing? where are u now? miss ya n love ya loads xxx
Anthony Leeming
Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.
Ha ha did you have a good time in San Diego? Is it still classy?
Sir Tajola Of Western Province Of Longs***e
Dear Love and the rest, so fourth.
I am in evny and awe when I see the pictures and reading the blogs. It is a shame while you enjoy such fun so freely, well I have to endure a sandwich woman who seem to make a mess on her chest and stroke those badboys with such firmness to rid the crums. At the same time I have experience a manic oriental woman who just could not give toss if insults many customers in one day! Greggs is such a menace these days! Hence looking for a job!
On the dating front, its still like Harold Shipman, dead. The last girl i dated...she was good fun until she told me she kidnapped and raped. You never guess what i said...
"oh well"
Like those words are the most comforting words to raped victims! wtf! I could have "s*** happens", that will have the same effort! the girl left and said she wasmt ready for anything...i think she's getting flashbacks now.
I endure bad luck in that department, its so argh! i have gone off online dating and i have stopped looking...i'll died single with my gravestone stating:
"oh well",
anyway, i hope your are safe while at the same having fun.
goodnight god bless. x
Hey- just been reading about your adventures..sounds like you're having lots of fun i'm so jealous! hope the weather is better than here its crap! just read something about a nugget of gold i couldn't stop laughing lol. Take care and have a fab time can't believe its been a month already its flown!
lots of love
rach x x
Lisa From Chicago Hostel
Girls! Girls! Girls!
I just saw your entire itinerary and it makes me ridiculously jealous. So wise of you to get out there and explore in your youth. I don't know what is wrong with us Americans.... wanting to work and never taking enough vacation.
I was worried The Beast had swallowed you all up. It seemed like so long but I'm glad it went well.
Darci and I barely made it out of Chicago. She had a very difficult time getting out of bed after that pub crawl. We went out for breakfast and then the storms blew in. We had to drag our suitcases to the subway in the rain. The airport was a mess with cancelled fllights and grumpy people. It wasn't long before our flight was cancelled too. We almost headed back to the Hostel so we could experience BB King but we were both exhausted and hungover from the night before. We ended up getting a cheap hotel room near the airport and caught a fllight out in the morning. We were very sweet to the ticket agent so he put is in first class on the way home. Score!
Love all the Pub Crawl pictures. They had Darci and I smiling at work. We look terrible, sun burnt, and intoxicated. Wowser. Thanks for the memories.
Happy Trails! Lisa
Hi Lizzy,
I am writing this from my new work, it is ace being in Leeds, can't wait to move here now. How are the travels? thanks for the message.
The veggie lifestyle choice of one week went well, but i have well and truely fell off the wagon, i mean i didn't fall i jumped off with a steak in my mouth ha.
Anyway hope all is well. I miss you and to make things worse i am so jealous!! my mum and dad are in Vegas, so look out for them, I can't remember if you're there the same time or not.
Anyway speak soon :) xxxxx
Michelle Mulready
hiya chick hope your ok not been up to much its been pretty crap,weather has been nice.Was talkin to ibby the other day and he pulled that line on me like he did with u So when we goin out then?I just looked at him and laughed and said i think i've heard that somewhere before,muppet aint he.Anyway you'll never guess who's been in the shop............................... your mate jez he hasnt said anything to us,ob has been asking about u he said to say hello,so hello from ob.Home and away well ric is doing illegal fightin cause of viv's husband noel bulling him into cause of the baby,alf has found out that collen is his half sister.Marta and jack are getin married and everyone is shocked that there together so quick after sam killed her self.Hollyoaks well max's sister cindy is back tryin to split max and steph up,the ashworths find fletch injecting him self in josh's room.They lock him in but hannah lets him out and he knocks her over and cuts her lip,mercades and hannah's boyfriend sleep together after he thinks that hannh has slept with darren when she hasnt.The baby sagar is still goin on with jackie and tina.That all i can think of for now i'll fill u in again soon,well it's all carp at work dans broke he's hand and he's off now for 6wks.A few of the builders have been askin about u i've beenfilling them in on where you've been,it was ellie's birthday on monday she was 5 going on sixteen she gets cheeker every day connor's just gettin taller.Well thats me for now i'll up date you on the soaps soon take care missin u loads and loads love michelleXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
HI love.
cool blog.. its so much fun looking. and wow your REM seats looked very exciting.
So who are your travelling with ? I guess your sister, as you look very alike.